Part 1

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August 27, 2013

I turn the corner.


He makes eye contact with me.

Turns and walks away.

My heart goes with him.

----- ----- -----

If I sit here one more moment, I will spontaneously combust.

I stand. Shawn looks at me. I shake my head.

'Fine.' I hear through twin telepathy.

I feel a pull towards the fountain. So I head there.

Soon I'm staring into Jacob's bright green eyes.

"Char, I..."

It's my turn to walk away.

----- ----- -----

Shawn is humming next to me. I'm vibrating to the beat.

"Jacob!" Anastacia cheers.

My sister runs to him. Throws her arms around him. He hugs her back and glances up.

"Jake," I hear my voice say.

I see Shawn's head pivoting between the two of us.

"How is it Saturday afternoon and we haven't seen each other?"

"I've been busy." We say at the same time.

"It's convention. Charlotte, you disappeared all day, yesterday. Jacob, I saw you at the stairs but you turned away so quickly."

I put my hand below my belt. Jake's eyes follow.

"No." We sat at the same time.

'Come with me.' Jake thinks to me.

I follow.

----- ----- -----

We sit in the family bathroom, staring at the stick.

Two pink lines.

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