The man before us

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Keysha looked intently at Michi, the look on her friend's face worried her. She looked in the direction Michi was looking in, but could see nothing. Was she really that scared? Maybe a hug would help? Wait no, what was she thinking, she couldn't possibly do that. But the worried... no, the scared expression on Michiko's face discouraged her. She was having a hard time taking a positive outlook on this.

" Should we run?!" 175 broke the tense silence, they too took notice in Michiko's expression. " Yes... yes I think that's a very good idea!" Michiko said and 175 turned their attention away from the hall blocked from view by the bookshelves. 75 picked up Rachel and put her on their shoulders. Then they used their shield to scoop up Keysha, who was just as surprised as Rachel was.

" Come on, let's get the heck out of here!" 175 and Michiko began to bolt down the corridor. Keysha was just level with 75's shoulder, so she could see the man as he walked around the corner. She didn't know what kind of armor he was wearing, and didn't have the knowledge to know anyway. But it reminded her of the phrase 'knight in shining armor,' only backwards. The whole armor set was black and the designs on the center of the chest plate were painted gold. Every edge was trimmed in blue or the yellow tint of the sun.

As he walked he unsheathed his sword. " What boring intruders." His voice was thundering and raspy. The helmet he wore concealed his face, but Keysha couldn't shake the feeling he was staring at her. But then again, she was staring back. And when she noticed that, she then realized that 75 had halted their movement completely. " 7-75? What is it?" Her first thought was to look forward at what might be blocking their path, but there was nothing there.

She felt 75 shake and saw Rachel jump off of them. 75 was scared, so scared that all of their body was shaking violently. Keysha stumbled off of the shield and put her hands on 75's helmet. " Hey- please answer me. I know you're scared, but we can't stay!" She begged them to keep moving. " Duck!" She heard Michi shout beside her. If it wasn't for 75 falling apart and clattering to the ground, they would have been struck by the long sword only inches away from Keysha's face.

She didn't even see him move, he was like a bolt of black and gold lightning. What made him look even more fierce was the stock of fiery red feathers attached to his helm. As he moved the feathers moved with him, creating what looked like streaks of flames flickering beside him. Before she knew it, he was striking again. She was just about to throw up her hands... when she found herself in a different place entirely.

It was dark; she felt shivers course through her fur. What just happened? She pinched her right arm lightly, she was thankful that the pain was still there. So she wasn't dead, that was a start at least. A deep inhale helped her take in the scent of the area. There were several new scents around her, but the base smell of books and old tree bark still remained. She was still in the library, but where exactly did she end up? And how did she get here?

She looked all around her, searching for any kind of light that could help guide her way. Indeed there was light, she could see it high above the shelves from where she stood. The light from the stained glass windows still poured in, but the now softened light of the moon did not reach her. There were no torches hanging on any walls, she remained in pitch darkness.

" Was that man about to stab me?" She softly contemplated to herself as she used scents around her to get her bearings and make it through the corridor. " Wait, that's it!" She gasped, her ears shot straight up and her eyes brightened. " I was going to get hurt, so someone used their magical voodoo powers to get me and the others to safety! Ah.. wait, is voodoo different from magic? Is it weird to say someone has magical voodoo powers cause they are not actually the same thing?" She began to ponder.

Then she stopped, she now knew she was on the second floor. The updrafts of air brought the soft scent of the oak tree to her. " So I was telepothied? No... transported.... no uhhh, teleported! That's it!" She felt accomplished in at least getting the word right, even if she had no idea how the power actually worked. Her hand glided along one of the shelves as she walked, she was worried if she let go, she'd be lost in the cold darkness forever. She also hated the possibility of smacking her face into a wall. After all, the walls were solid and they hurt.

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