A fine business woman

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Michi stepped out of the pawn shop. She inhaled, trying to truly understand and process what she just witnessed. She exhaled knowing that she would probably get a headache if she thought about it any longer. That man confused her, the sheath decoration confused her, the whole shop itself confused her. So she decided to revisit those strange occurrences later.

When she stopped her pondering she looked towards the sandy street in front of her and spotted Keysha and Rachel. A little ways from them 175 and Alice were arguing about something, but they were too far away for Michi to hear what they were saying. Rachel and Keysha were focused on the other two arguing, so Michi started towards them. Keysha looked at Rachel, said something, and then shrugged. She turned to walk to the cat house when she spotted MIchiko. Her mouth curled into a smile almost immediately and she waved.

Michiko was just about to wave back, when she spotted 175 behind Keysha. Alice stood not far from them and 75 seemed to be walking away from Alice on purpose, clearly done with the argument they were having. Alice frowned and her eyebrows furrowed, she began to shuffle through her bag. Then, Alice pulled out an iron boot and threw it at 75. " Look out!" Michi stated, but it was not to 75 for they had dodged the shoe. She was saying this to Keysha because the iron boot was headed right for her.

" Pardon?" It was the only word Keysha was able to say before the boot struck her in the back of the head. She flew forwards and fell flat on the ground. Her illusion broke instantaneously, but luckily she was wearing a cloak, so you would have to get up close to see she was not elven.

" By the gods!" Michiko exclaimed as she rushed towards Keysha. Blood dripped from the gash on Keysha's head. She was unconscious yet again. Michi looked up at Rachel for assistance, but Rachel had the most terrifying look of outrage. Her eyes narrowed and her eyebrows were bent into a scowl, anyone would have thought Keysha just died. She was staring right at Alice.

Alice and 175 made it to the rest of the group. " How did that even happen?! How could you hit her in the back of the head?!" 75 fumed and Alice glared back. " It's not like I hit her on purpose! That boot was supposed to hit you in the back of the head, you're the one who dodged it!" Alice defended herself, trying her best to ignore the death glare Rachel was shooting her.

" You folks cause an awful lot of commotion." All three of them looked towards the cat house in surprise. " These your friends?" The Elven man asked. He was leaning just beside the entrance to the cat house. Even though his voice was gentle, he stood an eight foot brute of a man. " Oh uhhh, yeah I guess so. Except for her!" 75 pointed at Alice and got a humph in reply. " You know this man?" Michiko questioned as 75 was gently picking up Keysha, they were careful to keep the cloak over her.

" Yeah, I met him while y'all were in that shop over there. He works here, nice guy!" 75 said approaching him. " His name's Ivan." Although Ivan was eight feet tall, 175 still towered over him. Michiko supposed she had never really looked at 75's height before. In fact, there had been so much going on that she never realized that she barely knew anything about the group she surrounded herself with now. " What do you want this time?" Ivan asked, brushing his long deep blue hair out of his face. It was tied back and laid on his shoulder.

His tired brown eyes made Michiko wonder if he always worked and how many problems this man had to deal with at this establishment. But at the same time, his chocolate brown eyes were gentle and calm. " Oh, sir, we just want to have a word with someone who can... give us information." Michi said ,she took a risk in revealing their intentions, but it was a risk she was willing to take.

Ivan stared for a long while before he grunted and opened the door. " Follow me." All three of them, with Keysha on 75's shoulder, walked into the cat house behind Ivan. it indeed was a nice looking building as Rachel said. The front doors were situated to the side of the building, so when you walked in you could just see a portion of the main room. The main room was a quaint living room with three couches in the middle. In Between the couches was a large birch table with a pot of lilac in the center.

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