Legend Of Ibliys: Return Of The Iron Galaxy #3

Start from the beginning

Liu Kang ++++++++ You know how the story begins, and you even know the middle; but do you know the ending?

Shazam ++++++++ We'll find out, soon enough! It's gonna end with a Free Festival!

Vegeta ++++++++ Is that a fact?

Liu Kang ++++++++ Finish them.

The Super Fighters open fire, and they rain down a barrage of beam attacks upon the Untouchables. Gambit and Doreen are hit first, and they fall.

Rogue ++++++++ Remy!?

Doreen and Gambit are badly hurt, as the energy blast continue to rain down. Diana and Marilyn are taken out, and Goku uses his Ultra Instinct to summon a Genki Dama, and he drops it on the Untouchables. A huge explosion erupts the area, the innocent Namekians are nowhere near the blast site.

Frieza ++++++++ Liu Kang why did you choose such breakable and weak beings, to fight your battle!? You were better off sending Krillin and his talking Blowup Doll!

Liu Kang ++++++++ I didn't choose them.

Frieza ++++++++ Then who did!? It doesn't matter, there's nothing left of them, anyway!

Gohan ++++++++ I wouldn't be too sure.

Jiren ++++++++ Only two of them were powerful enough to be a threat; the rest were weaklings, and their power levels have faded.

Liu Kang ++++++++ They're coming.

An enormous blast of energy reaches up to the sky, and powerful warriors, on other earths can feel it. Superman, Omniman, Homelander, Captain America, Terry Bogard, Ryu Hoshi, Axel Stone, and many others can feel the Untouchables, as they rise out of a giant crater. With their injuries and costumes repaired, the Untouchables are wearing white and gold, and Eddie and Diana's symbiotes are white and gold. The Super Fighters charge up their powers, as they get ready for a battle.

Frieza ++++++++ They should have died! How could they survive all those attacks!?

Piccolo ++++++++ Don't worry about that, and just attack!

While the Super Fighters attack the Untouchables, Liu Kang watches on, with a smile. The Untouchables are casually dodging the attacks, while having a conversation to themselves, in their minds.

Gambit ++++++++ What happened to us!? Gambit feels different!

Shazam ++++++++ Welcome to Omnipotent Dominance! It feels as if we're on autopilot!

Venom ++++++++ Why did my symbiote change colors!?

Trinity ++++++++ Because of the power up we received. You don't have to use the Omnipotent Dominance colors; you can change your symbiote to whatever color you want, Eddie.

Rogue ++++++++ Remy, take out that Frost Demon!

Gambit ++++++++ Of course! Gambit is on it!

Gambit kicks Frieza away from him, and Gambit uses his powers to cause small explosions to erupt across Frieza's body. Gambit elbows Frieza into the ground, and Frieza is down.

Frieza ++++++++ What........how!?

Broly ++++++++ This ends now!

Broly tries to attack Gambit, and Billy punches Broly across the face. Billy is hitting Broly with lightning covered fist and kicks, and Billy calls down his magic lightning, without even saying a word. Broly is struck, as Billy spins Broly around, and he slams Broly into the ground. Broly tries to rise, but he is knocked out by Diana, after one punch. Piccolo tries to grab Diana, but Diana uses her Golden Webbing of Truth, and she brings Piccolo down, while Marilyn strikes Piccolo with her lightning. Gohan tries to attack Marilyn, and Doreen kicks Gohan away from Marilyn.

Legend Of Ibliys: Return Of The Iron Galaxy Where stories live. Discover now