3 2 0

(Saw the place around)

Hestia: I think this place has some connection to me..

(Saw Davey standing in front of her)

Hestia: this boy is so familiar..


(Davey walks towards Hestia)

(Hestia: what is happening?
Why I'm not running?)

Davey: it always rains every time we meet this place

(Hestia: oh! He's my ex that I break up in this exact same raining place..

it feels like this thing has happened so many times..)

(Convince store)

(Still raining outside)

(Sitting on the store's chairs)

(Davey gave Hestia a noodle)

Hestia: thanks

(They started to eat)

(Hestia was looking at everybody)

(Looking at Davey)

[Hestia: why did I break up with this handsome man?]

(Saw Daniel listening to music
with his earphones)

(Saw Jade and Paolo
smiling and laughing)

I think I'm reading that book too much..
But it's finally sinking in.. ready for it?

Am I ready for this next chapter?

Chapter 19: S


(7:00 am and the alarm was ringing)

(Hestia turns off the alarm)

(Get up)

Hestia: (yawn) School is coming..

I'm nervous.. (Sigh)

(Watering his plants)

My mother and I moved here 2 months before the first day of school..

And Davey and I break up when we meet here because..

(At the store)

Hestia: I got so shy when
I met you for the first time..

Davey: that's it?

Hestia: yeah..
I think I'm embarrassed at some point..

Davey: but you're gone in 4 months. Where have you been?

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