I'll Never Let You Cry

Start from the beginning

"No problem Dad. I'll drop her.", I said.

"That's fine. I can go on my own. I have my scooty.", she said and tried to get up.

"I'll send your scooty tomorrow with someone. I'll drop you off now in my car. Come.", I said and stood up.

"He's right. Go with him.", Mom said and she agreed.

We both got into the car and we were silent. Sameerana's phone rang.

"Hello Sruthi!", she said.

After listening to something she was shocked and excited and happy at the same time.

"Really? Did you check yourself?", she asked Sruthi on the phone.

I couldn't hear what the other person was saying but Sameerana was happy and slowly happy tears started forming in her eyes.

"Thank you thank you, Sruthi. I love you. I'll call you tomorrow. Bye.", she said and cut the call.

"What happened?", I asked as soon as I got the chance.

"I've passed the exam." saying this she danced in her seat. I'm happy for her. She is waiting for her final results and I'm super proud of her success.

"Oh my god. I'm super happy. I need to tell Dad and Babai about this. I've been waiting for so long. I guess Aunty is my lucky charm. It's her birthday today and I got my results.", she said with a big smile on her face.

Is it a crime to get jealous of our mother?

She is looking outside the window still smiling and her happiness can be radiated all around.

Soon we reached her home and before she stepped out I said, "Sameerana."

"Yeah?", she said facing me.

"I know it is the wrong place and wrong time but I think it is important to tell you.", I said and she was waiting for me to continue.

"I like you.", I said and saw the smile on her face slowly vanishing.

She didn't speak anything for a few minutes. I'm cursing myself using all the bad words I knew. I'm feeling so pumped up.

"I'm sorry Sameerana. I didn't mean to make this awkward. I'm sorry. I could've waited for a few more days. I just thought... I don't even know why I said that. Please forget that. I'm very sorry to make you uncomfortable. It was just....", my blabbering was stopped by her words.

"I like you too.", she said and I stopped.

"What?", I asked not sure about the words she spoke. Maybe I feel that I heard that.

"I like you too.", she said again and smiled at me.

I smiled and my lungs finally started breathing. I couldn't stop myself from saying, "I love you."

Her smile again faded away. She said, "For now I said I just like you."

"I know. Trust me you're not gonna take much time from turning I like you into I love you.", I said and she smiled.

She hurriedly went inside her house without glancing back. I went back to my home smiling like a madman.

When I entered the room Sagar was sitting there. "What are you doing in my room?", I asked him while changing my clothes into comfortable wear.

"Mom asked me to convince you to go and see a girl for marriage.", he said and I frowned.

"I'm not going to see any girl. I'll tell Mom everything tomorrow.", I said and lay on my bed.

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