Meeting Crazy Girl

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Vikas POV

My name is Vikas Goenka, youngest self made billionaire. This morning I received call from the person I haven't seen or spoken for the past 2 years "Mom died" she just spoke 2 words and cut the call. Immediately I Called my PA and asked to arrange flight to Hyderabad. I'm on my way right now. Memories from 11 years flooded my mind. I met that crazy girl 11 years back when I lost everyone and everything.


My parents died when I was 10. My brother, Vishwas, who was 11 years elder to me became my parent. After 3 years he got married to my sister in law, Nisha. She looked after me like mother. Two years into marriage, they were blessed with an angel, Nidhi. We were so happy. Suddenly everything changed on one fateful night, my brother and sister in law died in car accident and my brother's business partners took all our properties including our house. I was left on roads with 8 months old Nidhi. I didn't know what to do, I was just 16, just graduated from high school. 

At that time Mr. Rishi Gupta and Sneha Gupta took us with them. I wanted to work and look after Nidhi

"No Vikas, you need to complete your studies, don't worry about Nidhi or money... we are family..."

"Uncle please, I don't want to be a burden... if you want to help us, give me job" i said stubbornly

"Your brother was so proud that you graduated from high school at the age of 16 and could get into Harvard with full scholarship..."

"I can't uncle, Nidhi is just 8 months..."

Rishi's POV

"What do you know about looking after an infant Vikas... seeing your stubbornness you would say about learning but trust me, practically its next to impossible even for parents without any help. Im in this position because of your family... let me repay some of my debt. I will take care of Nidhi just like Rhea..." Sneha said. Vikas agreed after lot of persuasion and we agreed to accept all the money we spend on Vikas and Nidhi. Just then Rhea came running

"Dad, baby is so cute. Did you get the baby for me? Nidhi means treasure right... she is mine. I'm her mom" she said getting on to my lap. My wife hit her head with palm at her childishness while Vikas looked at her in shock

"She will be with us" i said

"Really dad! Thank you so much... I love you dad". Vikas caught her attention, she got down from my lap and went to him

"I'm Rhea. You are so handsome, are you my prince?" She asked holding his hand. Vikas looked at me uncomfortably, not knowing what to say

"He is Vikas, Nidhi's uncle" i introduced him

"She is my daughter" he corrected.

"That's great, we will get married, you are Nidhi's dad and I'm mom" she said excitedly. "Dad, I'm so sleepy, take me to bed. I already arranged crib for Nidhi in your bedroom... I'm going to sleep in my bedroom from today, I can't be scared of monsters anymore... my prince is here and my baby is also here" she said in one go and hopped onto my lap and started snoring in couple of seconds

Vikas POV

I was speechless, is she crazy? Probably too spoiled... then I thought she is just a kid. But it is scary to leave Nidhi with this girl. What if she spoils my Nidhi too?

"Don't mind her Vikas, she is so much into fantasy world... her dad pampered her So much... but trust me she is a wonderful kid. If she likes anyone, she would give her life for them... you don't have to worry about Nidhi anymore..." aunty said and asked me to go to my room. I said that I would take Nidhi with me

"Didn't you hear my princess? She already made arrangements for Nidhi in my bedroom. If she finds otherwise, she would throw a fit, trust me her tantrums are impossible" she said smiling "anyway, you will be going to Harvard next week, let her get used to us. Roshan made all arrangements for you to go... he was just waiting to inform you. My husband and daughter makes things happen before any thought completely form in their antique brains. Your brother called after meeting with accident and informed everything. Roshan made the arrangements for your studies before he reached the hospital. Don't think of anything, go to bed. We will talk tomorrow" she said and left. I was speechless. I saw wickedness, how low people can stoop for money and these people are amazing. Are they real? But I have to be careful about Rhea, she has wiring problem

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