Rodney's Play Place

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I want the magical play lands to be relived including the slides, ball pit, etc! But this time, we need to handle them better. This can help children learn to enjoy themselves without screens. Plus, I figure that it allows them to get some exercise when it comes to fast food. They should always cleaned overnight and have strict rules to make sure no injuries occur. It is also not recommend that a child is sick or needs to use the bathroom. Also, they must be potty trained! I think that might be a good rule.

Children should also clean their hands with wipes perhaps before getting on. 

The playgrounds were very different went they first got started. I wonder if besides this structure, we can add like maybe a Fender swing, Bigweld roundabout or a character seasaw.

I'm also imagining a life-size Rodney statue on a bench. Now there's somewhere I would want to be glued to and never leave!

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