Batman and Batson

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The Ultra-Humanite's escaped.

The Bat-Sonar detected a primate carrying a small hostage into the outskirts of Gotham, the stats of which matched the giant gorilla. Hitting the Batmobile's accelerator, Batman followed the monkey's trail, leading him to an operating theatre within a small brick house.

The smell of antiseptic hit his nose. The mad scientist prepared to transfer his brain from the powerful giant albino gorilla into another body better suited to his needs. Peering through the window, he could see the victim bound to the operating table and gagged. Ultra-Humanite wielded a scalpel as he walked towards the tiny boy.

Bruce's heart broke.

The boy couldn't be older than seven. His brilliant blue eyes watered. Terrified. He struggled, trying to escape his bonds. The child's curly black hair - an absolute mess, stuck to his sweaty forehead.

Hurling a pair of batarangs, Batman struck from the shadows. His weapons hit their marks, slicing the ape's hand and side.

The scalpel clattered on the concrete ground.

"Who dares?!" Growled Ultra-Humanite.

Invisible tentacles reached into Batman's mind. Thankful for his mental shields, Batman leaped, landing on the massive albino primate, gripping the gorilla's head, shocking him with his gauntlets.

The gorilla roared, throwing him off. The monster's strength was phenomenal.

"Why do you want a small boy's body?" Batman somersaulted, slicing the boy's bindings as he landed on his feet.

"That, dear detective, is Captain Marvel. The World's Mightiest Mortal," smirked the gorilla.

The child's pleading blue eyes watered as he wriggled to free himself.

"You've body hopped too many times," Batman suppressed his laughter. "You think that tiny tot is Captain Marvel?"

"The resemblance is obvious," huffed the gorilla, gesturing at the scared little boy. "How can you not see it?"

The child wore a red sweater the same shade as Captain Marvel's uniform.

"Are you saying every boy with black hair and blue eyes, who wears red, is Captain Marvel?" Batman bode for time while setting up his trap.

"No, but this one is," the ape ripped off the child's gag. "Show him child. Say your word."

"WAAAAH!" Bawled the boy.

"Not that word. Your magic word," the gorilla snarled, stomping his feet. "Change into Captain Marvel now! Show him!"

Freed from his bonds, the boy hid behind Batman's legs, wailing.

Bruce couldn't hold back his amusement. "You've lost it," he chuckled as he released the net he'd prepared for Ultra-Humanite.

"No, you lost," the gorilla leaped away. "I sent thirty nuclear missiles towards Gotham. Stop me or save your city."

That wasn't a choice. He activated his communicator.

"All active Justice League members and reserves, to Gotham now. All speedsters to evacuate Gotham's entire population. Thirty nuclear missiles heading this way."

Thunder roared behind him, followed by blinding lightning.

"All flyers with super strength, anyone with aircraft capable of intercepting missiles, all green lanterns," Batman froze.

A bright red blur whirled across the sky, tossing all thirty missiles into the sun.

Captain Marvel hovered above Batman. He held Ultra-Humanite up by the scruff of his neck while saluting Batman. "Thanks for the save," he grinned. "Bye. I got a felon to deliver." Then he was gone in a blur of red.

Activating his comms once more, he announced. "Crisis averted. At ease everyone."

How powerful is the Captain?

Does he have any weakness?

If he turns against us, how can we subdue him?

Pain bloomed from his temples. His head throbbed as he processed Captain Marvel's raw power.

He turned to search for Ultra-Humanite's little captive. The child's gone. It's as if he had disappeared into the shadows, like a bat.

That boy has talent!

With training, he'd make an excellent Robin.

Back in his cave, Batman poured through every scrap of information he could find on Captain Marvel.

A live broadcast from Whiz, Fawcett's premier news network caught his attention. The newscaster, a tiny boy with black hair and brilliant blue eyes, wearing a bright red sweater, presented the news.

That was the child he saved.

Batman's new Robin!

"Batman was in Gotham today," squeaked the adorable child star.

A picture of Batman working his Justice League communicator splashed across the screen.

"He saved me from the Ultra-Humanite," chirped the little boy. Looking at the camera, he waved. "I know you are watching, Batman and I wanna say, thanks for the save." The child's dimpled grin dazzled. Batman had a strange sense of déjà vu.

A photo of Ultra-Humanite stomping his feet flashed on the screen.

"Batman would have caught Ultra-Humanite if not for the missiles he sent towards Gotham," the child continued. "These videos were submitted by our viewers." The screen split to show missiles approaching Gotham from all angles.

"But Captain Marvel was in the area, so he cleaned up the mess." A selfie of Captain marvel casually tossing the missiles into the sun took over the screen.

Bruce's stomach lurch.

The Captain caught and tossed the missiles with such effortless ease, his power level's unfathomable.

"Thanks for watching," beamed the tiny boy. "This is Billy Batson, Whiz kid reporting from Station Whiz."

Bruce froze.


The bat's son.

He stared at the endearing blue-eyed raven as the little boy's image faded.

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