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The bell went off, ending the school day.

Finally free!

Grabbing his bag, Billy Batson ran with the other kids out through the school gate.

He had a few hours before his news broadcast. Time for Captain Marvel's daily patrol.

The coast's clear. Billy checked again. He couldn't be too careful. Feet apart, firmly planted on the ground, head thrown back, he said, "Shazam!"

Thunder roared.

Lightning struck, engulfing him. The familiar jolt and instantaneous growth spurt transformed him into Captain Marvel. Brimming with energy, he took off, relishing the wind against his skin as he soared over Fawcett, looking out for anyone or anything that might need The Captain's services.

A cable holding up a suspended scaffold snapped!

"Help!" The window washer fell, twenty stories above the ground.

Head snapping back at the man's cry, Captain Marvel dived from the clouds, matching his speed with the falling man, catching the terrified guy as he slowed his descent, lowering the shaking man to the ground.

"You okay mister?" He helped the trembling man to his feet.

"Yeah. Thanks Captain," the man caught his breath. "You're a life saver."

A passer-by's phone streamed a newscast from outer space. "Captain Marvel," the guy pushed his phone to Cap's face. "Planet Venus got knocked out of orbit by some shooting star and is going to hit us." The guy looked terrified. "We're all going to die."

"No, we're not," Cap assured the paranoid guy. "I'll take care of it."

It's probably fake news designed to increase viewership. Anyway, Captain Marvel pushed his speed past escape velocity, bursting into outer space. Mouth gaping open, he stared at the stars and planets around him, the sight of which never failed to astound the little boy in the big guy's body.

Although Captain Marvel didn't have telescopic vision, his eyesight was keener than any regular human's. From his vantage point, he saw Venus hurtling towards Earth. He pulled out his camera and took a photograph.

"Oh no you don't," he muttered, catching the errant planet, bringing it to a halt. The Wisdom of Solomon showed him the planet's proper orbit. Then he stood on the ground, posing for a selfie.

Both hands dug into the crust of Venus, Captain Marvel shored up his strength and pushed carefully. He didn't want to tunnel through the ground but to move the entire planet back where it belonged.

Venus budged, moving slowly at first, accelerating to a comfortable speed. Pulling out his camera with one hand, the other pushing the planet, he took another selfie.

When he reached the precise spot that Venus should be, he took yet another selfie before bringing the planet to the halt. A calculated shove sent the planet spinning slowly from east to west, at its original speed. He took a final photo just to be safe.

Satisfied with his work, he flew back home, as pleased as the cat who got the cream.

He had half an hour left to get to Whiz for his broadcast but now, he had a decent story for his show.

Sad, scared mews caught his attention. A ginger cat was stuck in a tree. A little girl with ginger pigtails stretched her arms out, trying to get the scared cat to jump down.

"Cheshire, it's okay," the girl cooed. "I'll catch you."

"Miaow!" The cat replied, cat speak for "No way you klutz, you'll drop me, and I'll die."

Captain Marvel who spoke all languages hovered before the scared cat. "Meow meow," he coaxed the cat. (I can fly and I can get you down if you trust me.)

"Purrr," the cat replied, releasing his grip.

Captain Marvel caught the ball of fur and returned him to the girl.

"Thanks Captain Marvel," the girl jumped up and hugged the big guy. His face burned.

"No problem. Take care of Peter, okay?" The cat, in their short interaction had introduced himself as Peter.

Cap wiggled free from the girl's arms and shot into the safety of the clouds, then back to Whiz network's fire escape, just in time for Billy's broadcast.

He could have kicked himself for forgetting to take selfies with the cute cat. His viewers loved cat pics. Oh well. Those photos of Venus would have to do.

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