Whiz Kid

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"Toyman foiled by the Super Duo!"

"Superman and Captain Marvel stop Giant Robot, Apprehend Toyman!"

Sterling Morris, owner of Whiz networks poured through the photos that accompanied stories published by competing news networks. In every photograph, Superman's image was sharp but Captain Marvel's blurry. From the Big Red Cheese's debut until now, no one had been able to get a clear photograph of him. Why?

The Daily Planet had reporter Lois Lane who gossip magazines dubbed as Superman's girlfriend. Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent was Superman's childhood friend. The Planet's Jimmy Olsen, an upcoming photographer claimed to be Superman's best friend. He posted many posed pictures of the Man of Steel himself to back his claim.

As of now, no newsman held any such claim on Fawcett's new protector Captain Marvel.

That gave Morris an idea.


"Extra, extra, read all about it!" Little Billy Batson walked the streets, peddling his precious bundle, hoping to sell enough newspapers to buy a new blanket. His belongings were stolen from his corner in the abandoned subway station when he left to save the world as Captain Marvel.

"I'll have one," a friendly middle-aged man handed Billy a fiver. As Billy returned him the change, his eyes fell on a large ad on a page the man was reading.

Be a reporter. Job opening at Whiz Network for anyone who can produce clear photographs of Captain Marvel and provide news stories about our local hero!

The salary was extremely attractive. It's enough for him to rent a safe place to live in, feed and clothe himself and help others with. But that wasn't the real appeal of that job.

Superman's in the news business to keep and eye out on where his services are needed. That guy had telescopic vision and super hearing. Captain Marvel could use the real time information that being in the news business would provide. There was a problem. He'd need a camera to produce the photographs needed to land that job.

A scream for help.

Billy looked up.

A woman fell out of a window.

"Shazam!" he cried.

Thunder roared. Lightning answered his call, its power surging through him, transforming him into Captain Marvel.

Pouring on his speed, he caught up with her, matching his speed with her descent as he caught her, gradually slowing to a halt.

"Thank you, Captain," the woman breathed as he held her in his arms. "How can I ever thank you?"

Captain Marvel's cheeks burned as he gently lowered her to the ground. "No need to Ma'am. I'm just doing my job."

"Wait Captain, here's my number," the woman waved a paper at him which he pretended not to see. Embarrassed, he took off through the clouds. Some people he saved were nice. Others, plain weird. At least she's not as bad as Beautia Sivana.

Flying through the clouds, Captain Marvel thought about Billy's predicament. With the Wisdom of Solomon, he could figure out anything. He could make a camera for Billy.

Landing in a quiet spot behind the library where no one could see him, he made a quick mental note on the information he needed.

"Shazam," he whispered.

Thunder and lightning responded, turning him back into little Billy.

"Hello Billy, need any help?" Tess, the nice librarian knelt so that she was at Billy's eye level.

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