e l e v e n

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Sexy Daddy

Hey baby, you looked cute in your clothes today ;)


What do you want Jack?

Don't even say what I think you are going to say

Sexy Daddy

See babe, you know exactly what I was gonna say

We are perfect for each other

I groan. Why did I still have his name as that? I immediately change his name to 'eyebrows'.


Shut up and how'd you know what I'm wearing?


I'm closer than you think love ;)))

I look around my room skeptical.


Stalking me now huh?


To be fair I randomly saw you

You were going to work


Great. You know where I work -_-


Oh babygirl

I'll be seeing you way more often now

I can just imagine him smirking at his phone.


Damn it

Make you a deal

Don't come to the restaurant and I'll meet you every Saturday for a cig


I didn't know you worked at a restaurant

Thanks babe xx

And deal, I'll see you Friday and Saturday

What the hell? Did I just fall into his stupid trap? I'm so fucking gullible.


Then how'd you know I was going to work?


Took a wild guess and I overheard your friend Henry talking about a summer job and brought you up

Plus I saw you driving today in your clothes


I swear I will murder you if you see me at work

&' I was just wearing a shirt and jeans idiot


Yeah a shirt that I will be ripping off soon hopefully and jeans that brings out your ass

I roll my eyes for what seems like everytime I talk to him.

"You are laughing and rolling your eyes a lot." Ali points out.

I mutter a "fuçkboy" and she laughs.


In your dreams fuçkboy

I have so many drafts and I want to upload but then I end up forgetting to
Kind of tempted to make a story idea book xx

Cigarette Buds | J.G. |Where stories live. Discover now