
Start from the beginning


In a small town in Virginia called Mystic Falls, in a beautiful house, Abby Bennett was sitting at the dining table while her eyes were glued to her laptop, her attention only leaving the screen as she noticed the cup of coffee that had been placed in front of her by Liz Forbes who gave her a small smile before sitting down in a chair next to her and picking up one of the many folders that were spread on the table.
It was a quiet night, the neighborhood was silent as most of the people were at the long awaited ball hosted by the new family of vampires that had moved into the town. Liz and Abby had been invited to the ball as well, being part of the founding families they were among the most expected guests so they could be charmed by the original family, but for the two women the ball was not something they cared about at that moment, much less the thought of the consequences of ignoring such an invitation by the Mikaelson.

Abby and Liz have something more important than a stupid ball and that's to find their daughters.

The two women have spent years searching for their daughters who were taken from them years ago. At first the search was led with the help of their ex-husbands, but three years ago the two men gave up hope and accepted the fact that they would never see their daughters again, which made the two mothers furious, especially when they started to hear the whispers around town about how they should stop wasting their time on something that was definitely a dead loss. But the Forbes and Bennett would not let themselves be defeated even if they heard the constant negative thoughts, after all those who talked did not understand the pain with which the two mothers had been living for years, they would not understand the nights of crying and begging for their daughters to be returned, they would not understand the hours of sleeplessness, they would not understand any of that because they hadn't lost the most important people in their lives.

So the two women after all this time learned to ignore the negative comments from people and just focus on what they believed and the support they still received from the families they were close to, the Gilberts and the Lockwoods. Families who have given their help not matter what. And to the surprise of the two women, they even received help from one of the members of the small Salvatore family who at first raised doubts and wariness but in the end was accepted by the two women.

Liz let out a sigh as she read the report of another missing girl, the news bringing back horrible memories of when her own daughter was taken away from her. Liz could only imagine the suffering the young girl's family must be going through, her vision immediately blurred as her eyes filled with tears that she quickly tried to prevent from falling, one of her hands was pressed over her chest as she felt the ache that had become so familiar every time something reminded her of her daughter.

Abby sensing the sadness turned her gaze towards Liz who now had her eyes closed as she tried to calm herself and swallow her sadness. Abby placed one of her hands on Liz's and gave it a gentle squeeze, letting her know that she was there, while she tried form in her mind the words to comfort her, but before she could do so, a bright light flashed, taking the two women by surprise and seconds later they were trapped in an unconscious, unaware that they would soon receive the news they had waited for so many years.


There are times when you end up in unexpected situations that sometimes bring surprises that may be good, bad or neutral. At this moment the people in the Sanctum Sanctorum did not know what to expect. Everything had happened so fast that even those with superior power couldn't avoid it.
They had all been surrounded by a light that finally caused them to fall into a deep sleep from which they only awoke hours later to find that they had been transported to an unknown place. Now seeing how things had happened it was understandable the tension had form in the room and it was to be expected that from one moment to another threats, shouting and fights would start but fortunately everything was put to a stop due to the arrival of 4 presences that only a few have had the fortune or disfortune to meet.

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