Caregiver Kuai Liang + Regressor Hanzo

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this moment with the spy glass in mk11 just defines their relationship for me
"no, hanzo, this way, there."
"oh i see"
"good job"hanzo regresses around age 6
he's a very curious kid but hes also very stubborn and grumpyhanzo wont often ask for help
kuai liang will notice when he needs help and will usually ask first but knows hanzo wont admit to it and will find ways to help him out without causing a fussgumpy kiddo will sit next to him and pout until the other takes the hint and gives him a hug
doesnt really like cuddles but is okay with hugs or being held for a short time"hanzo dont do it...noo..."
something proceeds to light on fire and be put out with cold
"thats it, time out, little one"
"no!"its a fight to get him to settle down
he's easier to handle and tuck in for a nap or sleep after he's tired himself out
kuai liang will find things to direct his energy towards to keep him busy until he tires or gets burnt out so he can cool down with a nap (pun intended)its hard to find little gear he wont burn when he gets upset
a make shift bottle or sippy cup is just a metal waterbottle.
plastic will melt and wood will char, so metal things are about the only material that can withstand his outbursts.after being grumpy and angry, hes really sweet and helpful at the end of the day
hanzo wants to help kuai liang as a thank you for helpng him too
he feels bad after he gets upset, so he wants to be helpful and do something nice and be a good kiddo to make up for it.

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