Caregiver Vax'ildan

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he's very observant so he probably found out pretty quickly
just by noticing your slight change in action and words.
which means he'll notice the moment you regress even before you dovery good with kids so more than happy to help youhe makes sure to keep his daggers far out of your reachdoesnt even ask you about it
he'll put it together himself and on instinct want to care for you
especially since he's so used to caring for others like his sister since they were youngwill find subtle ways to baby you
pats on your head, finding you little things to keep you occupied, nicknames, forehead kisses, doing tasks for you that he thinks youre "too little for"vex will catch on and ask
but he'll hush her then pull her aside and explain later and she'll tease you both.
she'll find it adorable how he cares for you and keep most of it to herself, if he's unable to be there for you she's the next best stand in for a carer at the moment.he'll give you all the little nicknames he can think of
usually bird related like "little feather/wing" or "little (bird name)"
will likely call you "my little bird" or "my little raven" a few times but normally not near the otherscuddles whenever you guys get a break together
will snuggle you if you ask at night when he's not on watch or if he's got watch and youre still up
he'll offer to hold you till you fall asleep
he feels he can protect you if he's closer to you that waytotally stole some shiny things from a vendor/shop in town for you to play with
anything he finds that looks interesting or that he think's you'll like and that'll keep your attention while youre little, he'll try and get for you
if he cant buy it you know hes gonna try and steal it.loves to sneak little kisses when he can
kiss on the forehead, temple or cheek
sometimes a tiny kiss on the nose
if he gets the chance he'll smother your face in kisses to make you giggle,
he thinks its the cutest and adores when he gets to do thatif youre in the middle of a fight and he notices youre struggling with words its panicked cg!vax mode
he'll insist you stay hidden away from the fight, give you an object or make sure vex or pike sticks with you just incase until its over
he wants you somewhere he'll be able to see you or find you quickly to make sure youre okay and safe.if you insist on helping with the fight even though youre little, this is the only time youre little that he'll give you one of his daggers.
he feels its a better weapon for you to fight with unless youre a ranger like his sister.
he trusts his daggers in your hands and he wants to make sure youre as safe as possible.once he gets wings, you start collecting some of the feathers that fall when they appear/he flies and he finds it adorable
even tries collecting some of them for you
might make a necklace and tie some up or use one for a charm
you get to wear a necklace with raven feathers from his wings
theyre very soft and pretty and he loves the smile on your face when you play with the feathers

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