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"Eli! Come on, you're going to be late!" Charlie hollered up the stairs.

She rolled her eyes as she heard the usual sound of her fifteen year old son scurrying around his bedroom, no doubt packing his school bag last minute. Seconds later, Eli appeared at the top of the stairs.

"I can't find my history book!" Eli said frantically, rushing down the steps.

"Coffee table." Charlie said, stepping aside to avoid being trampled.

Eli rushed past, jogging into the living room to retrieve his textbook. Charlie shook her head and walked into the kitchen, where her husband, Derek, was preparing a coffee for her.

"I swear that kid would forget his own arms if they weren't attached." Charlie scoffed.

Derek merely smirked and held out the mug of steaming coffee for her. She took it from him, but before she could drink it, Eli started yelling again.


"Yes, Eli?" Charlie sighed.

"Where's my.."

"By the front door." Charlie interrupted, knowing full well he was looking for his lacrosse stick.

"Got it!"

"Wait for it." Charlie smirked over the rim of her cup.


"There it is." Charlie snorted a laugh.

Eli walked into the kitchen, looking dishevelled and out of breath. "Dad, I need lunch money."

"Do you?" Derek raised a brow.

"Yes." Eli nodded eagerly. "Come on, I'm gonna miss the bus!"

"If only you'd listened to your mother when she told you to get up the first time." Derek smirked, pulling his wallet out of his pocket.

"It's not my fault, I couldn't find my jeans because Mom keeps moving them!"

"You mean Mom puts them away where they're supposed to go." Charlie said.

"Whatever." Eli rolled his eyes.

"Hey, don't be rude." Derek scolded.

"Okay, I'm sorry, can I have my lunch money now?" Eli said urgently.

Derek shook his head, unimpressed with his son's attitude, and handed him some cash. "Here."

"Thank you." Eli grinned. He kissed Charlie's cheek before slinging his bag over his shoulder. "See ya."

"Have a good day, baby." Charlie said, reaching up to lightly pat his cheek. Even at fifteen, Eli was at least three inches taller than his mother. "Good luck at try-outs."

"Thanks, love you!" Eli called as he raced out the door.

Before either of them could respond, they heard the front door slam shut. Charlie exhaled a long breath and shook her head.

"God help any girl that becomes his wife." Derek snorted.

Charlie glared at her husband. "He's fifteen."

"Only three years younger than you were." Derek said matter-of-factly.

Charlie cringed. "Shit. That's terrifying."

"Well, I can tell you now, if he comes home at eighteen and says he got a girl pregnant, I will kill him." Derek said.

She snorted a laugh and placed her mug on the island counter. She stepped up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Funny how you didn't think that way when you were impregnating me."

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