Chapter 26 - Gift

Start from the beginning

"A gift for me? How much of my money did you spend on it this time?"

"It is a gift unable to be assigned a material value."

Ajax braces himself on the windowsill. "Please don't tell me you cleared out the entire account."

"It cost no mora, that I promise."

"Huh." Visibly relaxing, Ajax leans into the embrace, turning his head with an eyebrow raised. "Now you've piqued my interest."

"Go and sit on the bed." Zhongli releases him and steps back. "Close your eyes and do not open them until I am ready."

Ajax does as he's told, hands tucked on his lap and eyes scrunched shut. It's remarkably reminiscent of a child waiting for a birthday present, and a nervous excitement flashes through Zhongli now that the time to offer his gift has come. He trusts Ping and trusts her craftsmanship, and hopefully Ajax too shall appreciate what it means to be presented with such an item.

Resisting the urge to kiss Ajax on his crinkled nose, Zhongli crosses the room to the wardrobe, opening it to reach into the back corner where Ping informed him that Ajax's gift should be hidden. He makes contact with a package, wrapped in simple paper and tied with string, and takes it out, setting it on the floor and summoning a geo knife to slice the knot.

The paper peels open, unfurling like a bud in spring, revealing the sleek, grey fabric folded neatly within. Slices of red cut through the design, and Zhongli unfolds it carefully, setting the garment on his lap and stroking along the silky seams. He slips his hands inside the hood, rounding it out and running his fingers across the velvet lining, a deep maroon that will cast an alluring shadow across Ajax's features.

It will be stunning, that is for certain, but will Ajax like it?

Zhongli gets to his feet, letting the cloth unravel to its full length, and stands in front of Ajax, looping his fingers through the shoulders and holding it up to his frame.

"What're you up to?" Ajax grins and bites his lip, keeping his eyes obediently closed. "I can hear you're up to something."

"I am done. You may look now."

The moment seems to last for an eternity. Might this gift be too presumptuous? Has he acted egotistically in his attempt to uplift Ajax? Mentally steeling himself, Zhongli rubs his thumbs against the fabric and waits.

Ajax opens his eyes. There's a pause as he takes in the entirety of his gift, then his eyes widen as he rises to his feet like a ghost. "Zhongli, this is..."

"This is for you, as the one who will be leading this expedition."

"No way, this is..." Ajax runs his fingers down the fabric and rubs his eyes, seemingly at a loss for words.

"Do you like it?" asks Zhongli, four words which exponentially intensify the jumble of nerves dancing behind his heart. "If it is not to your taste..."

"No, no, I love it, it's just— Is this really okay? I've seen this in books when I was looking up the whole Rite of Descension thing... This is yours."

Partially correct. The design bears many similarities—the shape of the cut, the bared arms, the oversized hood—but this is not his. This design is not cut from fabrics of snow-white and ichor-gold, but from slate grey and vibrant red, running through the folds like rivers of blood, and the back is embroidered with a symbol of hydro to reflect its intended recipient.

"My own is still in my possession. This is yours, Ajax."

"You still have yours? Huh, I'll be holding onto that image." Sliding his hands behind the fabric, pulling it forward to examine the form, Ajax shakes his head. "But this—I can't... I can't accept this. This is too much."

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