the symphony of love

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In twilight's tender, hushed embrace,
Where stars adorn the velvet space,
Two hearts converge, a gentle dance,
Entranced by fate, a sweet romance.

Moonbeams kiss the whispered air,
Love's melody, a song so rare,
Eyes meet, a silent conversation,
Igniting sparks, sweet elation.

Soft as petals in dawn's first light,
Love unfolds, a canvas bright,
Hands entwine, an artful blend,
Two souls embarking, no end.

Through fields of whispers, passion sown,
A garden of emotions, love has grown,
In every sigh, a tender vow,
An eternal flame, forever now.

In the symphony of beating hearts,
A timeless journey, where love imparts,
Whispers echo, a sacred rhyme,
Forever bound, through space and time.

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