Hot and Cold

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Its really warm on this planet.  The sun feels amazing.  I look around some and see a pool of water with tall grass around it.  Flowers everywhere all different colors and the smell coming from the water smells like lilac and lavender.  I want to play in the water but worried about how deep the water might be maybe some amazing water animals are in here?  They may want to make friends?  I love the idea of making friends.   

I know i have no other clothes to wear here so I take off the outfit I am in it was not all that comfy anyways.  No one is near me so I do not have to worry about the way I am dressed or not.   I am in my underclothes I think it is fine.  I slowly slip one foot in and realize its super duper warm and I love the warm water.   I slip in fully and feel the water nice and relaxing.  The water closest to the edge isn't that deep I can touch the bottom.  It feels grassy and soft.  I can see through the water and see little fishes all around me.  The water is greenish but not in an icky way.  Some of the fish are big some are smaller.  It seems like they are tickling me on purpose.  I am trying to watch them and start trying to come up with names for them.  The blue one is James and purpley one is Samuel and the yellow one is David and then Kara is the pink one.  I wiggle my fingers all around and some of the fishies are following my finigers.  Its so awesome.  

A small little critter is in the water swimming in the pool.  He is red and blue.  Big grey eyes and a long tail like a beaver but not as flat.  Face has a look of a bulldog all the wrinkles like one.  The noises coming from it are like a happy purring but growlie noise.  He seems a bit scared of me.   Something scared of me?  I am not scary am I?  Little me?  But I realize I am bigger than him like about double his size.  I don't wanna be scary.   Maybe a new friend?  So I stay still with my hand out like I want to pet him.  He takes a few minutes and gets closer each time he swims past me.  Finally he swims over and rubs his head on my arm.  He is soft and it tickles.  I almost laugh but I don't wanna scare him off.  He reminds me of an otter with the way he swims.  I think his name will be Emmet or Emmery...He comes back and rubs my hand again and it causes me to giggle.  He stops swimming and floats there so I take the opportunity to pet him fully he is making a cute noise which causes me to laugh more.  I think this is the most fun ever.  I hear a noise from the bushes and someone clearing their throat as I look up I see that one ummmm Ma'tias again I wonder what he wants?

As I stare at him he has this look on his face that seems curious like he is thinking about something.  As he slowly approaches he smiles a bit more and asks "How's the water?"  Now I know that he is asking about temperature but the devious individual in me makes me giggle as I say "Well, right now it seems it is a bit wet!"  He stares at me with a questioning look like he's trying to process what I mean by that than it appears he gets it cause with a roll of the eyes he chuckles a bit.  "But if you mean if the water is cold or warm it is warm and relaxing."  That appears to be the answer he was looking for because now he's smiling.  "Would you mind if I joined you for your swim?"  I think for a moment knowing I personally can't swim but won't ever admit that to him cause then he'd probably get after me like others for getting into an unknown body of water and not knowing how to swim.  I know I am probably going to hear about the fact I left the facility by myself.  So I nod my head and say "Yup, its a free ummm planet?"  I think that statement is a bit different than what he was expecting but he starts to remove his shoes and tugs at his pants.  I quickly look away to give him his privacy cause that is private stuff.  Then I start to think how I will get out if he is still here.

After his phone thing goes off and he gets closer to the edge of the water I get a full view of him below the waist noticing how big he looks and I am now excited and think how big it is and if its like the human ones.  Maybe its much like them and lick my lips thinking about what I could do with it.

I had asked her about the water and realized she likes to joke a little bit.  And giving me permission to join her was nice.  Seeing her in the water also made me wonder if she even knows how to swim.  I had been watching her in the water and she had not attempted to swim at all.  I had seen the critter getting attention from her.  The critter in question was a Cro'cher there are fresh water ones and salt water ones.  They love interactions with people and usually where you see one there are more.  Kind of wondering where the others are this one is relatively small probably under 6 months old.  As I start to remove my shoes she has a slight smile as I get to my pants I notice her face turns red which is a weird human thing I think why would her face turn red and there is a grin but also a look of shock she turns her head while I finish taking off my pants that is when I realize she is embarrassed by me shedding my clothes.  She seems to be relatively shy which is interesting after hearing about other humans that are more relaxed about things like this.

After I slide into the water I inform her that I am in the water.  She turns slowly with her hands over her eyes and slowly removes them one finger at a time like maybe I am teasing when her eyes look at me she smiles a relieved smile.  Which also makes me think maybe something about me is unappealing?   I think back to all the pictures and information we have pertaining to humans and their way of doing things and think I may be taller and a bit bigger in overall size but in actual looks my color is similar.  

The cro'cher is swimming all around her splashing her and she tries to splash right back but missing each time but it doesn't seem to bother her not connecting it seems more to make her laugh more she's trying to concentrate and try again her face is all crinkled deep in thought and its really adorable which makes me laugh.  The look of determination crosses her face as a  big splash gets me as well and she looks shocked and a bit unsure but I cannot help the smile on my face which in turns causes a huge smile on her face.   I decide to get her back but with a much smaller splash.  Which makes her laugh and giggle.  I notice her underclothes which are white are almost transparent when wet.  I can see the outline of her breasts through the bra and it must be a bit chill in the air for her nipples are poking out a bit.  Which makes me think of offering to warm her up.

My communicator goes off and I get closer to the edge  to answer it which brings the water to my mid thigh.  She's looking at me with a look I can't quite figure she eyes me fully at this time.  She looking me right in the eyes and her smile is still there but has changed.  She seems to be considering something.   I answer the communicator and turn to her and she is pulling her bottom lip into her mouth chewing on her lip.  It makes me want to get closer and possibly see how her lips taste when I remember my communicator. 

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