Lacey and Outdoors

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       I get outside the smell is amazing.  Flowers and plants everywhere!   So many colors so many everything!  There was this big cloud it was funny looking.  As I walked further there was a huge forest out there and here I was just one person.  I figured I'd just go for a few minutes.  No one would miss me and I could prove I am so much stronger than anyone thought!  I can do this all by myself.  As I wonder off I see a big purple thing way in the distance it looks like a hill but it looks soft?  There are birds singing all around me the birds don't sound like the ones from home.  And to say they are big is a understatement.  They make a more relaxing song and the songs actually seem to play off of each other.  As I am listening to the amazing sounds I see movement off to the side?  I wonder what it is.  I hear an odd noise like a call I am pulled between wanting to investigate that and also the big purple thing.  The big purple thing almost seems like it is almost moving but nothing that big can move right?  I mean its as big as a house!  Then I hear a whimper again its coming from the trees on the right.  I can get a little closer and peek on it.  If it looks scary or like it could hurt me I'll run away.  

       As I walk up to one of the biggest trees I've ever seen I do what they do in the scary movies when going around the corner I hold myself back to it slowly rounding the trunk.   I knew watching all those 007 and action movies would come in useful eventually.  This tree is so big its like a small building.  As I round the side I see this creature.  The creature is akin to a dragon but has a face that looks intelligent like thinking.  But we all know creatures can't think right?  Its big and purple and a very dark blue.  The creature has wings but instead of being leathery like a dragon its like bird wings but fur instead of feathers.  There's a slight shine to its stomach.  Like its wet or...glitter!   Yes must be glitter all love glitter right?  This critter is like 10ft tall!  He is standing on 2 feet.  Its partially in a lower area like a small ditch like area.   Upon closer inspection I see his leg looks caught in a vine and the vine looks thick.  I approach him carefully.  It might be a trap and I get close enough it might eat me!!  I decide to try the roll and spring back up which I almost accomplish until the last bit where I just fall back.  I shrug my shoulders.  I 'll try it again the next time I need to sneak up on something.

       As I approach I see a twig and step over it walking around crunchy leaves I notice the leaves on the ground are not brown but almost teal like which is exciting but if they are on the ground they will crunch and there's a lot of them so i attempt to jump over them missing my landing and falling on my butt!   I look around to see if anyone has seen this and it isn't until I look up and see the creature with a 'paw' on his mouth trying not to laugh at me.  Which infuriates me never thought a creature would laugh which means he is also more intelligent than "Fine you think its funny me trying to help you then....ummmm..uhhh do it yourself!"  Feeling triumphant about the whole thing.  And start to stalk off all mad like.

        I hear another small whimpering noise coming from said creature.  I feel really bad about leaving him all alone.  I know what its like to be pushed aside or ignored.  Or have others walk away when I need them most.  So, I approach the creature again.   Watching each movement ready to run if he gets scary or laughs at me. 

       I try to talk my way through what I am going.  Everything about this place is huge!  The people or inhabitants, trees, even the birds are huge!   The leaves are bigger than both of my hands together.  I imagine how big palm leaves are thinking of palm leaves makes me giggle cause palm leaves on Earth are bigger than my palms or anyone's the ones here must be enormically gigantical.  I like this new word phrase maybe here I can make up my own names for things?

      As I get up to the creature I continue to talk aloud about things.  I get to where its foot/leg is trapped by a vine.  "Kay now I am just gonna grab this end and try to unwrap your leg."  I almost talk about the size of his leg but I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying he's huge.  As I try to wrap my hand around the vine I have to place my foot against the tree next to the dragon like creature so I can get some leverage.  As I am trying to pull the end of the vine away my foot slips some and I almost become an involuntary tree hugger with my face.  And say "Well, that was close." 

      So, as I start to yank on it again as the vine starts to move a little I get excited.   I have decided his name is Darrin the Dragon.  So, I say "Darin I think I can get this don't worry!"  I hear laughter behind me.  I turn to look and there standing behind me is a few of the aliens wearing armor.  I look at them and stick out my tongue! 

      "Well, are you just going to stand there with that dumb look on your face or are you going to help?!?"  They just turn look at each other and then me.  Without saying a word they push me out of the way kind of rudely and make quick work of the vine.  The creature roars loudly at them they back off.  Darin looks down at me with what looks like a big smile.  Growls at the others and picks me up and places me on the other side of the small ditch.  I reach over and pat his wings they are so soft I could just nap there.  He looks at me  and says thank you with a smile and flaps his amazingly beautiful wings and flies off.   I love it.  Before the others can notice I wander off so I can see what else I can get into.  

     Still trying to understand things and the way they are with Lacey.  I need to see her again.  Humans are confusing but yet simple.  She really is more complicated than I thought possible with these humans.  I start to look for her but everywhere I look I don't see her.  We put locators on their footwear so we can find them so unless she takes them off I can find her anywhere.  So I head to a terminal and find her locator.  There are times she acts her age but other times she seems like she is in her own world like things are beyond her.  After seeing her I think I can see a difference in her eyes the way she holds herself.  

    She's outside I am wondering who she is with because she was asked well told not to go out by herself she seems to like to push her boundaries. I want to just tie this girl down so I don't have to worry but then again having her need me is what I want.   Its almost like her needing guidance is what I crave.  Its an odd feeling but its amazing at the same time.  I start to head out and find my 'little' friend. 

     I go up to the guards and ask them about Lacey they say only one person has gone outside it was about an hour ago.  Well she can't have gotten into too much trouble in that amount of time right?  I mean its just one little human.  I see some of the guards and the admit she was here rescuing a Dracog'ra.  Relatively harmless unless angered.  And knowing she helped one is really sweet.  As I keep walking to where her locator shows her I know around the corner there will be like a veil of leaves and vines where she is.   I see the small pool of water.  Which is a swimming area for most.  I look and see her pull off her shoes, socks and shorts.  She reaches down and pulls off her shirt left only in her underclothes.  Never thought I'd get that excited in seeing a human strip clothing off but seeing her like that has my full attention.  I watch as she slowly steps into the pond.  I want to watch her but I also want to join her in her I haven't swam in a long time probably 10 yrs too busy.  But I am not too busy now.

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