Chapter 1

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All of the students who boarded the train to Hogwarts were exiting the train as it arrived at Hogsmeade station where those who had different means of travel, waited patiently for the others to arrive. I smiled breathing in the crisp fresh air of the Scottish Highlands, having counting down the last few days of summer vacation until being able to see the beautiful castle that became a second home to me.

There weren't too many carriages left as students rushed off with their friends to get one together. However I hadn't been able to locate the few friends I did manage to make over the last four years. Well Garreth was already at the school, coming here with Professor Weasley, who is his aunt. As for Amit, Lyla and Madison, I wasn't sure. By the time I boarded the train in Kings Cross I stumbled into a free compartment and slept the whole ride here, so there wasn't time to search for them.

"You can join us if you'd like Magnolia," the soft spoken voice of Anne Sallow called out, as my green eyes scanned the crowd for my friends. With no such luck, but I knew I'd see the girls in the great hall along with Garreth. Amit I'd have to meet tomorrow for breakfast.

Turning my gaze, I saw the girl standing not too far from me. Her twin brother Sebastian Sallow stood beside her, along with their best friend Ominis Gaunt. Those three have been inseparable since first year, and where one was the other two usually weren't that far behind.

"Are you sure, I don't want to be a bother," I replied taking a few steps towards the group. Sebastian gave me a cheeky smile as Anne nodded her head.

"It's the last carriage, you wouldn't want to walk all that way to the school. By the time you get there the feast will be over," Sebastian states opening the door and holding it for his sister to get in. Then beckoned me forward with his hand and I took the seat across from Anne whilst he helped Ominis get in. The blind boy sat next to me, leaving the spot next to Anne for her brother to sit.

"How was everyone's summer?" I asked making small talk. The four of us weren't necessarily friends but have had civilized conversations in the past. Well and I'd at times assist Ominis in class, when the twins weren't there or were distracted by something.

"Wasn't horrible we mainly helped around Feldcroft, and sometimes went out exploring," Anne answered with a beautiful smile. Her eyes shining in the afternoon sun that was casted in through the window. Brown hair done in an elegant bun. As per usual.

"How was yours Maggie?" Ominis asks shyly, casting his pale eyes in my general direction. The faintest smile peeking at the corners of his lips, and I was glad my hair was down, covering my flushed ears at the nickname he called me. It was strange, as he'd never called me that before. Normally he addressed me by my last name, but not in like a derogatory way. That's just how things went in the wizarding world.

"Oh it was quite interesting Ominis, thanks for asking. One day I stumbled upon a sick baby niffler hiding in our stable. Poor thing looked so weak, so I spent a good chunk of summer nursing him back to health. Of course we intended to release him, but by then everyone was so attached that he became our pet. The license to keep him should arrive any day now. Course we'll have to keep an eye on him, especially if any of the neighbors come to visit," I explained not letting the nickname thing get to me too bad, however I noticed the twins also picked up on it. They shared smirks, and it was like there was something going on that I didn't know. However I wasn't going to press them for answers.

"Oh yes understandable, could you imagine the ruckus it would cause if muggles saw a niffler running about your house," Sebastian replies with a light chuckle, his brown eyes twinkling as he pictured the situation.

"It would be quite the scene for sure, however I'm sure we could convince them that it was just a malformed guinea pig," I say earning a laugh from the twins, Ominis just stayed quiet however, listening intently. Although I did notice the corners of his lips perk up.

"Does your family still freak out sometimes or are they pretty well use to it now?" Ominis asked, and there was a genuine look of curiosity on his pale face. This had to be the longest conversation I've ever had with the three, but it was a nice change.

"Um not really, my twin sister is blind so she doesn't see what I've done. Unless it's lights because she's got some light perception, my brother is deaf so if it's a loud noise he's good and my parents understand that sometimes my magic is hard to control. But for the most part things are swell with them," I replied. Not really sure why I decided to go into depth about my family, as I've never really done that before. Not even with my friends.

"I didn't know you have disabled siblings," Anne chimes in as I felt all three looking at me. Our carriage was slowing down, meaning we're almost at the school.

"I've never really felt the need to open up to anyone. However I've never viewed them as such. They both can do things as good as you or I. Sometimes even better, they've adapted their lives accordingly," I explained as the thestrals stopped outside the castle.

And the conversation pretty well stopped there as Sebastian got out, helping the three of us down and we entered the great hall. Most of the school just sees him mostly as a prankster who hardly took things seriously, but he did have his moments.

"I guess we'll see you tomorrow in class," Anne states waving as they guided Ominis over to the Slytherin table. I nodded, returning the gesture as I trudged over to the Gryffindor  table, where my friends were waiting for me.

"Since when are you friends with the Slytherin trio?" Garreth asks looking at the group with a suspicious gaze as I took the open spot next to Lyla. Who smiled brightly at me, pointing to the prefect badge placed on her robes. I smiled having no doubt that she'd become one, she was deserving of the role.

"Since she's actually civil and doesn't loath everyone based off their house or blood purity. But I'm pretty sure you're just jealous that Magnolia was hanging out with the hottest guy in school," Madison chuckled placing her arm on the table. Resting her chin on the palm of her hand as she made goo goo eyes at Sebastian. She's been in love with him since second year after he helped her pick up books that she dropped in the library.

I was about to tease her but Headmaster Black began introducing the first years and it was time for the sorting ceremony to start. Another year at Hogwarts was about to begin....

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