Scene 15 - Fight To The Death

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Thunderbird 3 continues lifting off into space. Across the other parts of the world, the Eagles begin descending towards the Earth. The SHADO Interceptors come towards the planet.

Dr. Ninestein:

We home in on the transmission of the enemy. They will be launching their weapons from there approximately.

The Angels fly through the sky, and detect the incoming Eagles.


Spacecrafts on visual contact.

The Eagles swarm down. The Angels break off. The Eagles instantly begin firing at the Angels. Thunderbird 3 reaches space.


Alan, Thunderbird 3 is not equipped to fight against space attack.


Doesn't mean we can't fire their retros and send them hurtling back to where they came from.

Spacehawk spots Thunderbird 3.


Intercept, and open fire.

The Zeriods begin shooting at Thunderbird 3, which dodges the attack swiftly. More Eagles come to attack Spacehawk. They are destroyed by the Zeroids. BANG! BOOM! Other Eagles begin attacking SHADO Moonbase. The launch missiles quickly destroy them. ZAM! BANG! BOOM! One of the Eagles destroys a missile launcher. BANG! BOOM! KABOOM! The SHADO Interceptors then drift down towards the Earth. The Angels break off and destroy one of the much slower Eagles. BANG! KABOOM! Spacehawk continues trying to shoot Thunderbird 3, but misses as Alan spins the craft around to miss the attack. We see Stingray accelerating through the waters of the deep. Marina sits at the back where Troy and Phones operate the submarine.


Troy, how do they expect us to tackle spacemen from down here?


I don't know, Phones. Our aliens we encounter come from inner space. Not outer space.

Phones reads a signal.


I'm getting something, skipper.

He listens in carefully.

Three aircrafts above.


Taking evasive action.

The SHADO Interceptors swarm down to the Earth. Stingray spins around to engage in the attack. The submarine rises into the ocean.

Fire Sting missiles!

The sub fires missiles, but misses. The SHADO Interceptors, diving down, retaliate back. BANG! BANG! BOOM! Stingray dives down into the sea again to avoid the missiles. The SHADO Interceptors struggle to cope in the Earth's atmosphere, meaning their jets become unresponsive, but they continue to fire down into the sea. BANG! BOOM! Stingray rises again and fires it's Sting missiles, destroying one of the Interceptors. BANG! BOOM! KABANG! At San Fransisco, we see the Angels whizz past in the distance. The skirmish between the Angels and Eagles occur not too far from the area they are at.

Captain Scarlet:

We can't just sit here and not help them.

Captain Blue:

But the Mysteron menace, Paul. What about the Skydancers?

Captain Scarlet:

You're still here, Adam. If those spaceships get too close to the atomic reactors. If that's what the Mysterons want. I'm going out to help.

The Angels fire and destroy another Eagle. BANG! BOOM! Stingray rises from the ocean, fires a Sting missile and destroys another SHADO Interceptor. BANG! BOOM! The Spectrum Saloon Car outside the building of SF APP accelerates off so Captain Scarlet can locate an SPV to join in the battle. We see at Tracy Island Jeff contacting Lady Penelope. She is sat in FAB1.

Lady Penelope:

Yes, Jeff. Parker and I will be over right away to help you out.


F.A.B. Penelope. They will see you at San Francisco.

We see Lady Penelope and Parker in FAB1 still at their stately mansion.

Lady Penelope:

Drive on, Parker. There is maybe very little time left.


Very well, m'lady.

FAB 1 leaves the mansion. Thunderbird 3 tries to shoot the retros of the Spacehawk, but misses. Another Eagles fires at Spacehawk, damaging part of it. BANG! BOOM! The Zeriods fire back, destroying it.

Professor Bergman:

Commander, we're running out of Eagles. We will be defenceless.

Captain Scarlet's SSC arrives by a caravan site where there are tents and other storage vehicles laid out. A slightly elderly man with a baseball cap meets with Captain Scarlet.

Captain Scarlet:

SPV C15 please.

Spectrum Agent:


Captain Scarlet shows his ID. We then see the tent quickly unfold to reveal the SPV inside. Thunderbird 3 continues attempting to shoot the retros at the damaged Spacehawk. BAM! BAM! BOOM! BOOM! The life support systems on Spacehawk were weakening.


Tiger, we can't go on with this.

Thunderbird 3 zooms towards the spaceship. The Angels continue to zoom around the Eagles, meaning they struggle to retaliate against them. One of the Eagles comes in for a direct attack against Rhapsody. Before it fires it's missiles at her, BANG! BOOM! The Eagle was destroyed.


Phew. Thank you, girls.


Glad you're still here, Rhapsody. But that did not come from us.

We see the SPV racing across the Nevada desert. Captain Scarlet drives the craft with its missile launcher aimed at the Eagles. BANG! BANG! BOOM! Realising that the attack from the ground is devastating towards the two surviving Eagles, one of them turns about and rushes down to attack the SPV. The SPV then spins around and rushes back. The Eagle fires at it, ZAM! ZAM! BOOM! POW! It misses. The other Eagle is obliterated with Rhapsody's aircraft zooms at it to destroy it. BAM! BOOM! The Eagle continues firing at the SPV. Captain Scarlet spins the craft around and shoots up into the air. KABOOM! KAROAR! The wreckage of the Eagle topples to the ground, burning in smoke and debris. The SPV quickly drives through it, victorious.


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