♧ Bedens brook

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You are magno, 13th yo, study at a girl school in town. It was 6 pm, you were riding your bike after school, going through the best road, it is laid between bedens brook the elite country club in town and hectars of woods, the sunset rays were piping among the lines of trees, the trees were full and beautiful at spring time, the fresh air hits you, it even smell wonderful, the smell of fresh leaves.

You were closing your eyes as you inhale all of that freshness from the woods but when you open your eyes, a person was crossing the road and was centimeters away from you, you manage to break on time that causing you to fell from the bike, you stare at him from head to toe to make sure he didn't get hurt, he was a real tall and lean boy, he looks like same age as you, wearing a black jacket, a short and a white tennis shoes.

He just stood there and glance at you for a while as you get up but didn't help you or say anything, "i'm sorry i didn't see you cross the road" you said bu he just adjusting his duffle bag straps and kept walking into the woods like nothing happen.

In your mind, you were thinking what this boy gonna do at this hours in the woods, so you quickly ran up to him, you pull his duffle bag straps, "hey, are you sure you wanna go into the woods right now?" he turn around and look at you, he was so close, you were looking at the most calming blue eyes ever, you went blank for a couple of seconds. He gets shy and quickly turn back ignoring your question.

"Hey wait!" Your one hand still holding on to his bag, while your other hand try to grab something inside your backpack, "for you, i always kept this in my bag" you handed him a survival kit, inside there are small torch, knife, band aid, scissors, and a chocolate bar, "oh just incase your thirsty, it's a huge woods, please don't get lost" you gave him your stainless water bottle, "stay safe" you smile and left.

-The next day-

It's your first day going to the swimming course in bedens brook, your mom put you there so you have activity after school and so you could learn how to swim. You've made new friend, louise from the same girl school as you, you both were exhausted after 2 hours swimming lesson and louise asking you to hang out before going home so you two went to buy sandwich in the club's cafe.

She show you a perfect place to eat with a nice view, you both walking on a steps that lead up to a small hill, there are 4 tennis court full with boys playing tennis inside and on the corner under the big tree, you saw an empty picnic bench, "hey louise, that's perfect spot right there" you march and sit happily.

"Wow, we could see all the woods from up here" you enjoy the view, "right louise?"
You turn around to seek for her agreement but louise enjoying different view, she is busy watching the boys play tennis, "louise??"

"Magno, look at them"


"Those boys"

"What's wrong?"

"Aren't they cute?"


"You see the blonde boy with the white t-shirt, his name is josh and the boy with blue stripes tshirt is erik"

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"You see the blonde boy with the white t-shirt, his name is josh and the boy with blue stripes tshirt is erik"

"Okay, and?"

"Nothing, actually i came here to see lyle, but he is not here today i guess" she looks dissapointed.

"Who's lyle?"

"he is erik's big brother, he is very good looking" she blushed.

"Well, have you ever talk to him?"

"No, are you crazy? I think he already have girlfriend"

-josh and erik POV-

Erik already notice you since you enter the tennis area and sat in the picnic bench.

"Look at the girl over there, the one with louise, i never seen her before" said josh.

"Don't disturb them" erik kept focus playing.

But josh still curious, "Why? Do you know her?"

He shook his head.

"i'm gonna throw this ball out to get their attention, watch this" he smirked as he throw the ball out the fence deliberately.

As you eating and chatting, minding your own business, a tennis ball fell on the grass next to you, "hey, could you please throw the ball back?" Shout josh from inside the court. Louise was too shy to throw it back so you throw it without hesitation but failed because of the high fence, you don't even understand how the ball could go out of there.

You grab back the ball when erik run out and get it from you, "did you just do that on purpose? what if it hit our head?" You confront him.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you"

You noticing a familiar face, those calm blue eyes, it is the boy that you almost hit yesterday, "you.."

"Oh thank you for the survival kit yesterday" he avoiding your eyes.

"It is you! Did you made out there alive?"

He nodded, "and i'm sorry i didn't answer your question yesterday, see you around" he run back to the court.

Louise asked what you talking about with erik but you kept it as a secret, "let's go home louise, it's almost dark", you look at erik as you pass the court, he look at you back.

-josh and erik's pov-

"Damn, she's beautiful" said josh.

"You mean louise?"

"Nah, the one you just talked to, what's her name?"

Erik shrugged, "I don't know"

"Liar" he push erik's shoulder.

"I'm serious, i didn't ask her name"

"Right, i'm gonna talk to her tomorrow"

Continue soon ❤️

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