"H-hey, Kaachan. What are you doing-"

"Shut up, nerd. I'm only here because this mutt of yours wanted-*smack*" Bakugou was cut off with Tiny smacking him upside the head for the insult to him. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"You know why. Don't act like you don't. Anyway, onto what I wanted to happen. Young master, you think less of yourself because you still believe you are below everyone else. Though yes, you have not had your power for a very long time like everyone else and you are roughly about a decade behind in first hand experience one could argue. However, that does not mean you aren't on the same level as everyone. You have put forth the same exact hard work and dedication as everyone else and more just to catch up and be on the same level. That alone makes you far from below everyone and to a degree, you are actually on top of most people your age. Take that with pride."

"Ok. But why is Kaachan here?" Izuku asked Tiny to explain.

"You have constantly thought of yourself being beneath this...boy." Tiny paused for a moment to stare at Bakugou to make certain he was accurately addressing him a bit.

"First off, he is, secondly fuck you, I'm a man."

Ignoring the rabid bipedal dog with a god complex, Tiny continued. "Recently you've come to a bit of a reality that you are actually higher than you are and can't fully accept the fact that you are a step ahead of the one that was around you that regularly was superior. As such, you're worried you are overstepping where you should be and afraid you will slip up with repercussions for you being far worse than they would be for him. Obviously you won't have repercussions, but your mind still thinks you should be behind Bakugou. As such, I'd like you two to fight." Izuku heard this to stare blankly at Tiny.

"Say what?"

"You heard me, sir. I would like you to fight Bakugou so you can understand that you're worth the spot you have."

"The only reason I'm here is to avoid a problem from happening. If things get out of hand, I will have Tiny step in and stop the two of you in my place."

"I doubt there will be." Tiny said somewhat confidently as he, All Might, Ochako, Eri and Saeko walked to the side to avoid a problem. Once they were safe, Izuku turned to Bakugou once more a little uneasy.

"Kaachan, we don't have to-"

"DIE!" Bakugou started with a right hook for Izuku to dodge it immediately and pull away from everyone to avoid someone getting hurt.


"SHUT UP AND FIGHT ME! YOU HEARD THE MUTT! YOU'LL FIGHT ME HERE AND NOW!" Bakugou sent another blast for Izuku to jump back before getting grabbed and slammed on the ground. He was about to get another blast right to the face if he didn't move at the last second. "RUNNING AWAY ISN'T AN OPTION, NERD! FIGHT ME OR YOU'LL GET HURT!"


"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT!?" Bakugou continued to blast at Izuku for him to scowl in rage. "To be completely honest, you're supposed to be below me. If things were normal, I'd be the one having the Provisional, married and with kids already with how the world's given me a status. BUT YOU'RE FUCKING ABLE TO BEAT ME AND GET PAST ME IN THE GOALS WE BOTH WANTED!" Bakugou sent one more blast to send Izuku back a bit and nearly get hit before jumping over a railing to avoid a blast. "This is to see just where I am right now compared to you and find out just why I had to lose and you succeed."

Izuku understood Bakugou's frustration. For the longest time, he was below everyone and wanted to be something more. However, Izuku was never able to until given All Might's power to make him remain in a stalemate most of his life till now. "You're right, Kaachan. Why was I the one who was able to succeed instead of you? But that doesn't mean I won't fight you seriously going forward." Izuku charged at Bakugou with his hand gripping his blade. Bakugou prepared for this to prepare for the attack. He dodged it, but felt a sting on his cheek to rub a finger over it and see Izuku was able to get him. He scowled while glaring at Izuku and propelling himself forwards with his quirk. Once Izuku prepared for another attack, Bakugou changed his trajectory and blasted Izuku in the back to slide him forwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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