Lust Filled Night

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After returning to their hotel, Izuku began tucking Eri in as well as placing Saeko down in her portable crib. "Daddy. Is mommy ok? She was acting weird tonight."

"Don't worry Eri. Your mother's just enjoying herself on this trip and was a little overwhelmed tonight. Once the morning comes, I'm sure that she'll be back to normal."

"Ok." Izuku leaned forward and kissed Eri's forehead before standing up and heading towards the door. "Goodnight daddy."

Izuku smiled before placing a night light on and turning to Eri who quickly had a notable amount of foxes jump into the bed. "Goodnight Snowball. Goodnight Saeko. Goodnight....however many foxes are on the bed." As he said this, multiple more came out from under the bead to start making it difficult to find out where Eri was on the bed. Turning now downwards, Izuku looked at Kurama. "You were able to soundproof the walls?"

"Yes." The small fox stared at Izuku before looking lower and giving a salute. "I honor your groin my soon to fall brother."

"Can we not talk about this like I'm going to die." Kurama ignored this and began walking in and cuddling up to Saeko. Taking one final look, Izuku slowly shut the door not to disturb anyone before walking back to his room. There, he noticed Ochako was nowhere to be found to shut the door and walk in. "Ochako? You in here? Eri and Saeko are asleep now so-" Before he could finish, the fox woman grabbed ahold of Izuku's torso from behind and pressed him into her bare chest.

"Good, because I can't take not doing anything about this heat anymore~ I want you to mount me Izuku and not stop until the morning~" Knowing how she gets during their times together, Izuku turned to face Ochako who immediately put him in a lip lock before pushing him onto the bed.

Lemon Warning🍋

As Izuku landed on the bed, he noticed Ochako was wearing lingerie that hardly covered anything and revealed the parts that it was supposed to hide. "Ochako. Where did you get that-"

"Shhh." She put her finger on his lips with a smile as if she was unable to comprehend anything else anymore on her face. "Just enjoy this and let your loving wife show you a good time~" Moving her finger down slowly to his pants, Ochako gripped the elastic band Izuku's shorts to pull them down with his boxers to see his enlarged member fly up with a bit of fluid forming on the tip. "Oh my, did you get excited thinking we were going to do this before~ I guess there's little worry about you not being ready for the job~" Ochako slid her bra up and placed Izuku's dick between her enormous breasts with the tip sticking out from between to begin licking it. As she did, the fox woman began sliding her large tits up and down in an alternating fashion. The act combined with the sweat coming off of her skin and the drool coming down from her mouth created a soft and slick prison that forced Izuku to a point his mind was going blank.

"Ochako. If you keep doing that, I'm gonna-"

"Ah ah ah. You can't cum yet~" Ochako pulled away with Izuku's dick twitching trying to prevent himself from cumming alone. "If you want to release somewhere, you'll have to do that inside my womb where our next baby is going to be made~" Moving to sit on Izuku's lap, Ochako aligned his member with her entrance prior to leaning back. As his tip began to kiss her entrance's lips, Ochako sat back and shoved Izuku completely inside her, making him moan out in both agony and pleasure.

"I can't hold it anymore. I'm sorry Ochako." Izuku released his load inside Ochako for her to feel his warm fluids fill her insides before laying back somewhat ashamed of himself.

"I guess seeing me in this was too much. My bad." Ochako apologized before noticing the can on the bedside that Izuku bought. A smirk came to her face as she grabbed it and turned to face Izuku with his penis still inside her. "Izuku~ Open wide~" Not knowing what she was doing, Izuku looked up and had the energy drink put into his mouth with it's contents pouring down his throat. Once it was all drunk, Izuku's body began to rise in heat with his member harder than it was before, poking Ochako's womb and making her shutter. 'He's harder than normal. I should probably look into the company that does this and order some for nights like this one~'

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