Chapter 2

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Niki's pov
The teacher asked the newbie to show some of her dance skills
She asked something to the teacher and the teacher played the song.
It sounded familiar... Oh wait ~ that's OUR SONG .
Paradox invasion .
We were 12 seconds in the song when 3 girls and 3 boys from my group joined her.
I couldn't join the dance because she is taking my place .
But to be honest Its definitely the best dance Ive seen by a newbie for sure.
End of his pov

Yn pov
I was dancing to paradox invasion since I recently learned this dance since it was from my
step sister's friend's song .
Yes you guessed it right I am Kim Jennie's step sister.
We are step sisters but we are like biological sisters.
But i havent seen her in so long because of her career
everyday its not the same
Her last call was 2 weeks ago, i wonder why it has been so long , she always called me
in less than a week but it has been more than a week Does she nate me? Didi do
something wrong ?
Ifi did i am sorry sister dont stay mad at me. [ this has been going on her head the
whole time ]
End of her pov
Even tho we call almost everyday it's not the same .
Her last call was 2 weeks ago, i wonder why it has been so long , she always called me in less than a week but it has been more than a week .
"Does she hate me? Did do
something wrong ?
If I did i am sorry sister dont stay mad at me. " that sentence played in her mind the whole time
End of her pov
She was so lost in her own thoughts when the teacher stopped them from continuing
the dance.
" Uhhm, Yn have you did a duo dance before by chance ? " he asked
"Yes ofc i have sir" You replied politely
"Is it a known dance ? " He asked
"Yes, its a dance that my sister made "You replied to his question
"Oh you have a sister ?" Your teacher asked
"Yes, her name is Jennie Kim" You proudly said
" wait , is it jennie from the popular band ?" the teacher asked shocked
"Yep thats right" Your replied
Everyone became shocked including the teacher himself.
"uhh the BALCKPINK ?" the teacher guessed .
You nodded yes
"Then i am assuming the dance is YOU & ME ?" He asked
"Yep, it s YOU & ME"
" Could you show us the dance ?" He asked
"Sure but i would need a male that knows this dance" You said
asked shouting to get everyone's attention.
Many people stood up from the floor since they knew the dance but yn needed only
One person.
" There alot , choose who you would like to preform the dance with " The
teacher gave you the choice
"Since i only know Niki in This circle I'll choose him " You made up your mind .
"excellent he is the best dancer of this class "

~ Cliff hanger 🫢

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