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(harrys pov)

"I'm so tired of this. It's been four months," I leaned back onto my bed and exhaled, "I miss her, how am I supposed to do this?"

"Listen, you're not the only one. I miss her too."

Jack was actually being nice to me. After all this time, I thought he hated me. It was really thoughtful of him to visit me. To be fair, I've always been at his place lately.

Knock knock.

"I'll get the door." Jack jumped off from his lazy position he was in, to get the door. He opened it slowly and stood in front of the figure.

It was a girl, she was short and had red hair that just stopped by her shoulders. There's only one person I know who has blood-red hair. Haley.

"It's for you." Jack moved out of her way and let his hand out, signalling her to walk in.

How did she even find me?

I stood up from my bed slowly, fixing my disheveled hair and creased clothing. "I just want to talk." I noticed she was shivering and that her voice was shaking as well.

I cleared my throat, "Go ahead." I said, with a blank expression of not really caring.

I swear to god if she's going to tell me she's pregnant, and I'm the father, I'm literally kicking her out. "I miss you."

I shouldn't be feeling this way around her, this feeling of warmth and comfort. I shouldn't. Do I still have feelings for her? Being the ass I am, I kissed her, and it felt good.

I was so confused, I needed someone to hold and I needed Sarah, but she wasn't here. I was miserable and sad and desperate for a kiss, I didn't love her. No, I didn't.

I slowly moved away from her, realising what I had just done, was completely wrong. "Harry what are you doing?!" Jack pushed Haley off me.

"Haley, I-I'm s-sorry." I stared down to the floor and not directly at her face because I know the look she was about to give me, would make me want her even m-

"HARRY!" Jack exclaimed, waving his hand in my face. I was daydreaming again, and this time, it wasn't the good kind. Even though Sarah isn't around, she would've been heartbroken if she knew about this.

Haley dashed to the door and quickly opened it. "Bye." She said, closing the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Harry?"

"I don't know what got into me.." I gulped and sat down on my bed leaning my arms back and resting on them.

"God Harry why must you hit on every girl when Sarah isn't around." He rolled his eyes and gave me a dirty look.

I hated her but I just kissed her. I don't love her but I just kissed her. I'm in love with Sarah but I. just. kissed. Haley.

"Shit Jackson what's wrong with me."

"Maybe you just miss Sarah and you're desperate? You're just confused that's all."

He was right, that was exactly what was going on and I needed to fix this.

My phone buzzed annoyingly in my pocket, I slid my thumb across the screen to answer.


A man with a very deep voice spoke, "Hi, I heard you're Sarah's boyfriend?"

"Y-yes my name's Harry-"

"I know who you are, I'm her father."


"She's moving somewhere else for more immediate care, since her injuries were very serious and her skull was damaged."


"Across the country." The line went dead. Was this really happening? I was about to lose the girl I love and I'm not mentally prepared for it.

sorry it was short, i just wanted to get straight to the point and what was really going to happen. and btw, this story is ending soon! but there's another one coming up, it's going to be called 'new roommate' or something like that idk. thanks for reading ily all! xx

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