Chapter 7: Tess

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"You know I was thinkin'... After we get back, we can take it easy for a little while" I heard Tess telling Natasha as they walked behind me. Ellie was ahead of me, walking slightly behind my dad. 

"You want to take it easy?"

"Hey, you're the one always wanting to lay low"

"And you were always brushing me off"

"Well, I won't this time" 

"I'll believe it when I see it" I found myself feeling saddened as I listened to the mother and daughter's conversation. Sometimes I wondered what my mother would be like if she were alive today. 

"This isn't creepy at all" I muttered as we entered the abandoned subway station. 

"Look at his sleeve, Firefly" I glanced at my shoulder at the fallen soldier as my dad picked up what looked to be a makeshift molotov. Natasha walked up to me, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. 

"I guess these guys aren't doin' too well in or out of the city" I nodded in agreement with Tess. 

"Now let's hope there is someone alive to meet us at the dropoff" Dad says, leading us through an opening in the wall. 

"Over there. See 'em" Dad motioned to the clickers staggering up ahead. 

"God, we're almost out. Okay, Joel, you take point. Tasha and I'll watch the rear. Ellie, no matter what you stay right on Em's heels" Ellie moved to crouch down next to me. 


"You stay sharp" 

"I got it" Dad led the way, stealthing through them with us right on his tail. Dad gave Tess a boost to grab the ladder, bringing it down with a loud bang, making me cringe, but thankfully none of the infected were alerted. 

"Holy shit. We actually made it" Ellie lets out a breath as we jump down into an old tunnel. 

"You alright?" I ask, turning to my girlfriend, who nods. 

"I'm fine" She gives me a smile, grabbing my hand again. 

"Everyone okay?" Dad asks, making me roll my eyes. 

"Yes, let's move" Tess answers. 

"You guys are pretty good at this stuff" Ellie comments. 

"We've had practice" I muttered, so only Natasha can hear me, causing her to give my hand a squeeze as she pulls me up onto a ledge, towards the exit. 

"It's called luck and it's gonna run out" Dad remarks. "Where we goin, Tess?" He asks as we enter back into the city air. 

"Capital building's in this direction. How do we get over this truck?" Tess asks, leading us towards a truck, that's blocking our way. 

"Let's see what we can find" Dad looks around, while the rest of us keep an eye out, but he ends up having to deal with a few runners first.

"They're recently infected. Those soldiers must've just turned" Tess comments.

"Which means there's more in the area" I add as dad pushes a dumpster up against the truck. He goes first over the obstacle. 

"Climb on up"

"You girls first, I'll watch our asses" I pull my gun from my waist, looking out for any infected. 

Natasha goes to protest, but just nods and follows Ellie and Tess over the truck. I stay on top of the truck, keeping a lookout. Dad starts to open a trailer door, causing a loud noise to spread around us. I hear something in the distance as the hairs on my neck start to stand on end.

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