Chapter Nineteen - The Dark Army Approaches

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Rakk looked flustered and out of breath and his eyes looked worried as he approached the two embarrassed teens.

"Alesson, Garlent sent me to find you, we might have a problem and he wants to speak to you immediately," Rakk said between deep breaths.

"Oh no, what now?" Alesson replied bitterly. His fury at being interrupted, mixed with being caught in a compromising position made his emotions boil over and his resolve snapped. "Can't I have just a little time to myself Rakk, or am I destined to be pestered about every little thing that happens in the world. I do wish some people would just go away sometimes."

"Fine!" Rakk said irritably. "I've delivered my message and now you can do what you want, Your Highness."

The red-haired soldier saluted angrily, then turned and stomped back into the forest. Alesson watched Rakk disappear in amongst the trees and a cold guilty feeling settled uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach. He realized his friend was only following orders and he should not have taken his feelings out on him.

"Rakk..." Alesson said softly. He turned back to Cerah, but she looked away from the young man's gaze. Then Alesson heard more rustling noise and for one hopeful moment, he thought Rakk might be coming back, but instead it was two of the white armoured Antar soldiers.

"Princess Cerah, please come with us Your Highness," said one of the guards respectfully as he saluted smartly.

"Of course, Lieutenant," Cerah said vibrantly in a sweet little girl voice. "What's happening?"

The guard looked cautiously at Cerah and then at Alesson, then he looked nervously over his shoulder to see if anybody else was nearby.

"Three of our guard outposts within the frost spires have not checked in today and King Bhell is worried that there might be someone or something out there, preparing to attack," the guard said in a whisper. "The King doesn't want to cause a panic until more is known about the situation, but to be on the safe side he wants you to return to your quarters. So please keep this information to yourselves for now and follow us."

Cerah jumped up onto her feet, grabbed the empty basket and walked towards the two guards, but then she stopped and looked back regretfully at Alesson.

"I guess our picnic's over Alesson, maybe we'll be able to do it again sometime," Cerah said, and she winked at him slyly. Then she turned away from Alesson and followed the guards out of the clearing.

Alesson was left alone in the forest with just his guilt and his disappointment, so he decided to head back to the palace to see what Garlent wanted, and maybe he could find Rakk to apologize for his outburst at the same time.

He walked quickly back through the forest in the direction that he thought he had come from and eventually re-emerged back out into the open green fields. Alesson spotted the steep stone stairs that led back into the palace and proceeded towards them. He climbed up the rough, uneven steps and when he got to the top, he found his winter clothes just where he left them behind a boulder. He struggled into his dark blue woollen overcoat and pulled his thick shaggy cloak over his shoulders. Then he walked back through the white antechamber and into the dark, freezing cold tunnel beyond. By the time, he got to the staircase Alesson was shivering and wishing he could go back into the warm miracle cave.

Alesson clambered slowly back up the spiral staircase and by the time he got to the top he was out of breath and every cold mouthful of air caught painfully at the back of his throat. He leaned against the thick wooden doorframe and tried to get his heart rate back down to normal while silently he promised to do more training and try to increase his level of fitness.

The Cold Light Fades - Book 1 of the Crystal ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now