Amy, Sofia, and Jasmine rolled their eyes in unison, visibly annoyed. Amy's voice, sharp with irritation, cut through the tension. "It's in the past now, Vi. It's irrelevant. Why bring it up?"

Unfazed, Violet turned to Ava. "I just wanted to ask if you knew. We were each other's first love, after all. And I wanted to let you know, Ava, that there's no hard feelings."

Ava clenched her fists under the table, her heart racing. "Of course, I knew," she lied, her voice steady but her insides churning. "If you hadn't left six years ago, you and my fiancé might have been married by now." Her words were bold, yet they echoed painfully in her heart.

Violet's smile wavered, and Ava felt a momentary sense of triumph.

Violet raised her beer can, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. "Oh well, just like what Amy said, it's all in the past now. I'm happy for both of you. So, cheers!" The toast was echoed, though the cheerfulness was somewhat strained.

Ethan, looking visibly upset, suddenly stood up. "I'm just gonna get some fresh air," he muttered, then walked out. Ava was left hanging, a wave of concern washing over her.

The boys, sensing the tension, followed Ethan out. The girls remained at the table, each lost in their thoughts. Ava decided to help Fred with the cleanup, giving Ethan the space he needed.

In the kitchen, Ava silently cleared the plates and loaded the dishwasher, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. Fred returned from taking out the trash and noticed her preoccupied look. "Are you okay in here, Ava?" he asked, concern etched in his voice. "I'm sorry I made you clean up."

She chuckled, a sound more forced than amused. "No worries. I don't mind at all." They leaned against the countertop, waiting for the dishwasher to finish, their friends' muted voices drifting in from the patio.

Fred hesitated before speaking again. "I wanted to know if you're alright. Violet's words earlier were quite surprising."

Ava smiled, but it was tinged with bitterness. "I'm good. Thanks for asking, Fred. Did you know too that they dated before?"

Fred nodded. "I was surprised to know that you knew as well. They only dated secretly. We found out about it a few months before Vi left for France." He looked at her curiously. "How did you know?"

Ava's smile faded, her heart heavy. "Two weeks ago..." she confessed softly.

Fred saw the pain in her eyes and tried to offer comfort. "But hey, you're the one he's getting married to. Don't let their past relationship affect you, okay? You're the one he's in love with."

Ava's heart sank further. 'He's not in love with me', she wanted to confess, but the words wouldn't come. Her eyes welled up, meeting Fred's gaze filled with concern.

As the evening came to a close, with Amy and Carlson announcing their departure, Ava remained in a daze. "Where's Ethan?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

"He went back to the balcony upstairs," Carlson informed her.

Ava dashed upstairs, needing to tell Ethan that Carlson and Amy were leaving. As she hit the top step, she spotted Ethan on the balcony, beer in hand. She almost approached him, but then Violet showed up next to him. Ava ducked out of sight, shocked to see Violet there. They seemed so close, too close.

Violet broke the silence. "I thought you'd wait for me," she said, a mix of surprise and hurt in her voice. Ethan, caught off guard, just looked at her. "You kept texting, asking me to come back, even though you weren't sure I'd get the messages. So why are you getting married now?" Violet asked, sounding betrayed.

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