Our Clockwork Children: Chapter 7

Comenzar desde el principio

Once again her allies were a liability, once again the Uhae had been forced from their lives of luxury by their lessors. Sometimes Saelihn wondered why they hadn't just subjugated the others in the Estorian Empire; it would have caused fewer issues in the long run.

"Things move in troubling fashion, my queen." There were no introductions or pleasantries exchanged, as the first advisor started speaking; everyone knew why they were there and there was no point in wasting time on ego-stroking. "Unfortunately the known inferiority of the other houses of the Estorian Empire is having an effect."

"The Raha fail to do anything of note, more prone to infighting themselves for local power than the Terran Alliance." the second advisor continued. "The Hargathians continue to be reckless in their drive for combat, making their aggression muted outside of their initially mildly successful ambushes. Lelzoil have had some success, due to their technological superiority. However, outside of some initial engagements, they are outnumbered and unwilling to work with the others. The Dil'all have not made a move, seemingly uncaring of anything other than their constant hunger."

"Without our involvement, the military power of the three houses will be negligible within two years." the third concluded "Which leaves us with a choice. Do we intervene, my queen?"

Saelihn didn't speak, silently listening as the three didn't expect an answer immediately. Her job was not to decide until they had finished advising, so the Uhae queen waited. They were not the Raha, wasting their time on backstabbing and infighting, she could trust them to provide what she needed, they could trust her to make the best choice. Only the minor sounds of a small slave silently ensuring the four members of the court had their drinks topped up, their furred head bowed as they didn't dare to look up towards their masters.

"We are in a prime position to take on the Terran Alliance army. The aforementioned Terrans are not only the bulk of their forces, but their psychic defences are nearly nonexistent."

The first advisor gave a small wave of a hand, as the vines that made up the far wall gave away to a more unnatural-looking screen. The screen showed several Terran Humans, moving and jerking around stiffly as if being pulled and controlled by strings.

"Tests on captured subjects have shown the species to be extremely susceptible to psychic interference. Visual, audio and subliminal attacks are highly effective, even a child could envelop the minds of hundreds of these Terrans, as they have no notable defences. They are a perfect candidate species to be removed from the curse of free will, and using their militaries to defeat the rest of the alliance would be simple."

"However, we must ask whether such a move is logical." The second spoke up again, bringing suggestions for reducing risk. "Right now the Terran Alliance seems content with only attacking the Estorian houses who have joined the war. An end goal of neutrality and the destruction of the other houses may be the best course of action."

"Assuming they would stop." the third continued, taking a more aggressive argument. "They are full adherents to the cult of free will. When they learn of the gifts we bring, they may decide that their fanaticism is too great. If that is so, then striking them now is the best solution, before they realise our power and attempt to destroy us in their fury."

Saelihn sat silently, mulling over the decision to be taken. To go to war or hope for peace. Either choice could cause the destruction of the paradise her species had created. She reached for her drink again, just as the slave went to top up the glass, the simultaneous movement causing a splattering of liquid to slosh against the pristine wooden surface, a deep red stain starting to form.

"I'm so sorry, that was my mistake, I am so sorry Your Highness I will clean this up immediately and-" The terrified voice of the slave stopped as Saelihn laid a single hand, soft and gentle upon the furred face of the shaking mammal.

"This isn't your fault. This is the curse of independence, the plague of free will." Saelihn spoke for the first time in the meeting, in a soft loving tone, one of a mother talking to a child with a scraped knee. "You have served me for many years, but your learning towards being enlightened such as I will never truly be finished. Let me provide you with another lesson, to teach those clumsy inelegant hands of yours."

The slave's body language changed as Saelihn took control, grabbing ahold of the strings of the inferior being's mind, not having to even try as the small mammal's body stiffened up, only his eyes still darting around, wide-eyed and terrified, trapped inside a body that was no long his to control.

Slowly, he placed a single three-fingered hand on one of the tables, before reaching across with his other hand and grasping two of the digits. Pleading and sobbing were ignored as slowly he began to bend his own fingers back, helpless to the desires of Saelihn's control. Screams of pain rang out as the pressure and force increased, the angle getting tighter and tighter until with the crunching snapping sound of bone, the cries of pain crescendos into agony.

"There we are, your lesson is now complete" Saelihn stated, care and love still in her voice. "What do you say?"

"T-t-thank you, my queen" the slave choked out between heavy sobs of pain, collapsing as Saelihn released her grip upon him, leaving the pitiful mammal to scurry away out of the room. Another lesson taught, another being given correction from the pain of choice. With that Saelihn turned to look at her three advisors.

"I will not have us running afraid of heathens against the great sacrifice we make to save them from their free will. We will rescue them from the curse of individuality. We are to go to war, we are to free these people from their curse, we will take the pain of their thoughts from them as our own."

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