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This takes place after kings tide.

Everyone is asleep, it's quiet.  The only sound being the rain pouring outside. Suddenly the sky flashed white and made a huge 'BOOM' sound. Amity who was still awake, flinched.  Trembling in fear, looking at the window with wide eyes.  Again. 'BOOM'... The young witch, whines, and tears up, being terrified, moving around. The blankets over her nose, her eyes peeking at the window.

She was sleeping beside Luz tonight due to not wanting to feel alone.  Even though Willow and Vee were in the same room, she wanted to feel some type of comfort. Lightning strikes outside, and she immediately grips onto Luz, tears rolling down her pale cheeks. This causes her girlfriend to wake up and sit up. "Mngh.. what's going on?" Luz groans, as her eyes opened, adjusting to the dark, noticing her shaking girlfriend, under the covers, clinging to her for dear life. "Amity.? What's wrong..?" Luz frowns, wrapping her arm around her, sitting up with her.  Amity looks up at Luz, feeling a bit bad that she had caused her to wake up from her rest. ".. The loud noises outside.. I'm scared, Luz!" Luz sighed. "The thunder?" She asked, and Amity nodded super fast. "Ah I see.. no need to be scared, love.. your safe, I'm here. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you, darling.. you know what? You Cmere." Amity hesitated before moving close, Luz flipping them over, making Amity lay near the wall. "You can sleep on this side.. nothing can hurt you when I'm here.." Luz holds her hand and she traces her fingers on hers. Warming up, the witches cold Hands.  "Please stay.." Amity mumbles, her face nuzzled into her chest, while Luz strokes her hair. "Im not going anywhere.. I promise.."
Sorry this is short, and I'm sorry I didn't publish/post anything all summer and stuff.  I didn't have motivation, ideas, or anything.  My mental health isn't that good so I also apologize for that as well!  :3

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