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Humming quietly to yourself, you hook your keycard to the pocket on your scrubs pants before heading towards your door to get started on accompanying everyone to breakfast. Swinging the door open, you're met with the familiar sight of the pristine halls that are void of any other people. This isn't particularly unusual but it still sends a spike of nerves through you. This place always seems creepy whenever no one else is around.

You begin to find it rather concerning when you still haven't come across anyone by the time you reach the ward holding your patients. Usually by now you would've passed a handful of other nurses or even security guards. It's almost as if the building was completely abandoned.

Entering the ward, you move towards the first door that holds a patient. It's the second door on the left marked 3- Michael's room. Glancing through the window in the door, you fail to spot him. Your brows furrow in confusion as you swipe your card in order to open the door. Swinging it open you're met with a completely empty room. Not only is Michael himself missing, but so are all of his masks. The room looks as if it was never occupied in the first place.

You quickly exit the room, scurrying across the hall to Jason's room. Unfortunately you find it to be the exact same as Michael's room. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest as you go from room to room, desperate to find someone- anyone. You're terrified by the time you reach Hannibal's room which is just as empty as the rest of them. You have no idea where anyone is or what's going on. All you know is that you're completely alone in the massive building.

Trying your best to stay calm, you take a few deep breaths before exiting the ward to head towards where you know Wanda's office is. The chance of her being there is highly unlikely but you have a tiniest bit of hope. If she's not, you have no idea what you would do.

Bracing yourself for disappointment, you swing open her office door without bothering to knock. You're met with yet another lifeless room that looks as if nobodies ever been in it before, everything being completely bare of it's usual items. Knowing there's no point in lingering or looking around, you exit the room and make your way down the hallway.

Despite knowing that nobody else is around, you peak into different rooms almost like you're trying to really confirm it. It feels quite eerie walking through the completely silent and empty building that is usually bustling with life. You have no idea where anyone is- you just hope that they're safe wherever they are.

After quite a bit of aimlessly walking, you find yourself at the front entrance. Hesitating, you stare at the door blocking you from the outside world. Stepping closer, you reach out towards the handle. Since the entire building is empty your only chance of finding anyone is to leave. Surely there's people elsewhere.

Grasping the handle, you twist it and give it a firm tug. The door doesn't move at all as you tug at it, trying your hardest to open it. Your eyes sweep over the door in search of a lock only to find nothing. The longer you stare at the door trying to figure out how to open it the more confused you grow. There's no locks keeping it from opening- at least on your side- and the handle turns showing that it should be able to open.

You're startled from your attempts at opening the door when the hallway suddenly fills with red flashing lights. You look around with wide eyes, your heart pounding in your chest at the sudden change in the environment. You're so focused on staring at the lights that you don't even realize when you back up until your back is pressed to the wall as if subconsciously trying to protect yourself from anyone coming up behind you.

You stand there for what feels like hours watching the lights, waiting to see if they'll stop flashing that terrifying color. They don't, and it almost seems as if the red is turning deeper in color. The longer you stare down the hallway the more you're convinced that you're seeing things as the shadows seem to morph with each flash, growing larger as they stretch further and further across the walls.

Swallowing the growing lump in your throat, you rapidly blink as if it'll help clear up what you're seeing. It's unsurprising that nothing changes, the lights and shadows still continuing their terrifying dance. You want nothing more than to remain curled up against the wall but you know that staying still will accomplish nothing.

Taking a deep calming breath, you step away from the wall providing you the smallest amount of comfort before making your way slowly down the hallway away from the front door. Perhaps you can get out through one of the other doors, like the one that you exit when doing outdoor activities with your patients.

The farther you walk, the louder your heart beats in your ears. It's so loud that it feels almost impossible to hear anything else- not like there has been anything else for you to hear. It makes the situation all the more ominous.

Your heart nearly stops altogether when you suddenly hear an extremely loud screeching sound- like metal scraping against metal. Goosebumps speckle across your skin as you freeze up, rapidly looking around in search of the sound. You spot a shadow that seems slightly different from the rest at the end of the hallway but you shrug it off, assuming you're just imagining it.

Gathering your courage, you turn around and continue the way you were heading before you heard the loud metallic sound. The farther you walk the more the sound seems to come, a constant screeching following you from a distance. You try your best to ignore it, focusing solely on finding another exit.

With each passing second, the screeching seems like it's growing closer and closer. It gets harder and harder to ignore the rapidly approaching sound so you turn around to see if you can spot whatever it is. What you're met with is not what you were expecting.

Standing right behind you is a man covered in burns, a glove on his hand with long blades attached to the fingers. You choke on your breath as you stumble backwards away from him, eyes wide with fear as you stare at him.

The stranger smiles almost maliciously at you, lifting his gloved hand as he twiddles his fingers in a type of wave. "This has been fun, but it seems like playtimes over. See you next time, bitch."

One second you're staring at the burnt man, the next you're sitting up panting heavily in bed as your alarm blares next to you. You sit there trying to calm down before finally turning and slamming your hand onto the alarm to shut it up. You know that nightmare will be stuck in your mind all day. You'll just have to try your best to seem unbothered and normal around the others.

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