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Nearly ten minutes pass by before the door finally opens, a guard stepping through followed by Danny who has an extremely large smile on his face. "Doll! Good to see you!" You half expect him to hug you but he quickly corrects himself- likely not wanting to get shocked by the guards.

"Hello Danny. I hope you're excited to have some fun together."

"Always ready to have fun with you doll!" He winks which makes you let out a soft laugh. Wanda certainly wasn't lying when she described him as being eccentric. He moves over to a cupboard, swinging it open with a flare before grabbing something. You watch with mild amusement as he spins around, holding something up to his face before whatever it is flashes.

He skips over to you as he pulls the photo from the camera, holding it as he waits for it to develop. "Really?" You chuckle as you take the photo from him to hold it up. "I guarantee that I look like crap in this."

"Impossible." Danny scoffs, snatching the photo back from you as it finally fully develops. Looking at it, he smiles in triumph. "See! Absolutely gorgeous!"

You lean over to look at it, finding that you do in fact look half decent in it despite being caught off guard when it was taken. Pleased with himself, he sets the photo down on the table next to the drawings Jason gave you before turning back to you. Aiming the polaroid camera at you, he peaks at you from behind it. "Better smile nice and pretty for me, doll."

Rolling your eyes, you comply as you flash him your best smile. Instantly the camera goes off with a flash before whirring as it spits the undeveloped photo out. He doesn't bother waiting for it to develop this time as he sets it aside with the other one before going to take yet another photo of you. He spends quite a bit of time telling you how to pose or what to do as he takes countless pictures of you.

"Are you really going to waste all the film on pictures of me?" You question after the millionth photo. He has a pretty impressive stack on the table at this point.

"Pictures of you can't possibly be a waste." He shakes his head as he playfully glares at you. "I think it's the best way to use all this film."

"If you say so." You sigh, shaking your own head as you roll your eyes.

He thoughtfully hums as he steps closer to you. "Well, if you really think it's a waste then how about some pictures together?"

"That sounds perfect." You take the camera from him as you sidle up to his side, knowing the with his chains he won't be able to hold the camera out far enough to get the both of you in it. The back of your shoulder bumps against his chest as he stands slightly behind you, leaning a bit so his head is level with yours. You try your best to hold the camera at a good angle before pressing the button, the flash momentarily blinding you. You set each photo aside as they pop out, deciding to check them out all at once at the end.

You take a range of selfies with Danny- from goofy to serious to just normal. You take photos together until the film finally runs out which surprisingly took quite a bit of time. Stepping away from Danny, you put the camera away before moving over to the table where all of the photos are laid out fully developed.

"These turned out great." You compliment, picking up one of the photos he took of you.

"They certainly did." He begins gathering the photos up, handing only two of them to you- both selfies with him. You accept them gratefully, adding them to your pile of drawings from Jason. The rest of the pictures- a couple dozen or so- are scooped up into Danny's hands. He turns to you once the photos are collected, giving you a large smile. "Always a pleasure, doll. I'll see you later."

You say your goodbyes as the guards lead him out of the room, once again leaving you alone as you wait for the next patient scheduled for activity time. The past two both had very fun activities so you're quite curious as to what Brahms will want to do. You don't know much about the giant childish man so guessing what he could possibly end up wanting to do is nearly impossible.

"Hello Mr. (Y/N)." Brahms enters the room, moving straight towards you.

"Hello Brahms. What would you like to do today?"

"Do you know how to play piano Mr. (Y/N)?" He questions with a tilt of his head. Once you confirm that you don't know, he straightens up, gently taking your hand into his own as he leads you towards the grand piano in the corner of the room. "I would like to teach you then."

You sit down next to him on the rather small bench, your arms bumping together a bit. He raises his large hands, placing them on the keys. You watch with interest as he explains what each key is, your own fingers lightly brushing against the keys he's pointing out on your end of the piano.

"Got it?" He questions as he turns slightly in his seat to face you. You nod despite barely retaining anything he said. He seems pleased regardless as he refocuses his attention on the piano. "Let's play a song now."

Each key he presses you copy, the both of you very slowly playing Hot Cross Buns since it's simple and easy. You play through it multiple times until you're able to play it alone without hesitation. Once you're done Brahms claps softly, happy that you did so well.

"Thank you for teaching me Brahms. You're a very good teacher." You pull your hands away from the piano as you rest them in your lap, giving him your undivided attention. "I think next time I would enjoy listening to you play."

"I'll play whenever you want." You say your goodbyes after that as the guards inform him that his free time is over. You exit the room with him after collecting your things, walking with him until you have to go your separate ways.

Once inside your room, you place your pictures and drawings in your side table, planning to hang them on the walls once you can get your hands on some tape. Looking over them, you're a bit surprised that the guards even let them that close to you. Perhaps they don't care as long as you're not in imminent danger though that's rather careless of them considering it would take most of them no time at all to kill you- not that you think any of them would. Well, most of them at least.

Care (Slashers X Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن