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The next day you're more than eager to get started. According to the schedule for today, you have activity time with Jason, Danny and Brahms all at separate times. Then later on in the day you have outdoor time with Norman and then Thomas and Bubba. Unfortunately Hannibal is not allowed out of his room and therefore doesn't have anything on the schedule. Michael, on the other hand, is being punished for yesterday by having his outdoor time taken away for the week. Vincent and Bo aren't on your schedule for today, instead you have them tomorrow.

Getting into a clean pair of scrubs, you do your usual morning routine before exiting. First thing on the schedule today is obviously breakfast so you make your way to the patient ward so you can accompany them to the cafeteria. The first person you see upon walking through the doors is Michael, this time the large male being escorted by different guards. You give him a small wave as he walks by, unsurprisingly getting nothing in reply.

One by one you watch them all walk to the cafeteria, exchanging pleasant greetings with a few of them. Once again you accompany Brahms, both of you quietly chatting on the way. He talks about his night, discussing how he doesn't like having to sleep without a story and goodnight kiss. You personally haven't had either in a very long time so you don't share the same feelings. You still express that you feel bad that he can't have those things knowing that people find comfort in different things.

Once in the cafeteria you split from each other, him going to retrieve his tray of flavorless food while you stand off to the side to keep an eye on everyone before getting your own food. This time you don't have to stand around and ponder where to sit as Danny stands up at his table waving his arm in the air to get your attention as his chains rattle loudly. You laugh softly as you make your way over to him, this time sitting on his side of the table.

"Morning doll!" He greets you with a large smile, nudging you gently with his shoulder.

"Good morning Danny." You nudge him back which makes his already large smile brighten further. "How was your night?"

"Could've been better but who am I to complain? I did however hear something interesting." You raise a brow, quite curious as to what he could've possibly heard. He looks around as if he's about to share some crazy secret before leaning towards the center of the table, motioning for both you and Brahms to lean in to listen to him. "I heard why Michael flipped yesterday."

"Did you really Danny?" Brahms tilts his head cutely in curiosity.

Danny nods enthusiastically. "Apparently the guards at his table were talking rudely about our dear mister (Y/N) here."

You're shocked to hear this. "Wait really?"

"What were they saying?" You can tell just from the tone in his voice that Brahms is frowning, his eyes narrowed beneath his ceramic mask.

"Apparently they were talking about how they think he looks weak and won't last long here. They were saying shit about how they wouldn't mind messing around with him to see just how weak and pathetic he is." Danny scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"How'd you even hear about it?"

"The night guards were talking about it. Apparently when switching shifts the guards from dinner told them about it."

Brahms leans back, fiddling his hands together. "I hope they don't try to do anything to you Mr. (Y/N)."

"I'm sure I'll be fine Brahms. Don't worry about me." You reach across the table to gently pat his arm, trying to reassure him. The rest of breakfast is spent talking about random things, getting to know each other better before having to go your separate ways until it's time to see each other again.

You head to the activity room to wait for Jason since he's first on the schedule. Humming quietly to yourself, you move around the room looking for things you think he'll enjoy doing. There's surprisingly a wide variety of things to do so it's a bit hard to make a choice. In the end you decide to leave it up to him to decide since it's his hour of free time anyways.

When Jason finally enters the room with the guards he perks up upon seeing you. You can't see his face past his mask but you're quite certain he's smiling. "Good morning Jason! What would you like to do today?"

He looks around before wandering off to some cabinets on the other side of the room. He pulls one of them open before gathering some things into his arms which he then proceeds to dump all over the table in the center of the room. He turns to look at you once his arms are empty, likely seeing if you approve of his choice. Stepping forward, you glance at the table to see that he gathered paper, crayons, and even some sticker sheets.

"Looks fun!" You smile as you sit down, him quickly sitting next to you.

You grab a piece of paper for yourself before scanning over the crayons as you think of what to possibly draw. It seems Jason already has an idea of what he wants to make as he grabs a crayon and instantly gets started on his drawing. Finally making up your mind, you pick up a basic black crayon in order to make the outline of your choice.

"What are you drawing Jason?" You question, leaning forward slightly to try to take a peak. He covers his drawing as he glances at you with slightly narrowed eyes. You laugh softly as you lean back, holding your hands up in surrender. "Alright! If it's a secret then I won't ask."

He nods, waiting until you look away to continue his drawing. You push away your curiosity as you continue coloring in your picture, trying your best to make it look good since you plan on giving it to him. Pursing your lips, you look around at the crayons spread across the table, searching for a specific color that you need to finish your picture.

Spotting it on the other side of the table out of reach, you pout. "Hey Jason? Can you hand me that grey crayon over there?" He looks to where you're pointing before grabbing the crayon to hand to you, your fingers brushing as you take it. He visibly stiffens at your touch but doesn't pull away until you have the crayon safely in your grasp. You quietly thank him before returning your attention to your almost complete picture.

The rest of the hour is spent in silence, the both of you drawing multiple pictures- all of which he refuses to let you see yet. Once the guards inform you that the hour is almost up, you shuffle your pictures together before getting up to clean up. Jason helps as he gathers up the crayons to return to their container while you focus on the unused papers.

Once everything is clean you grab your drawings before pulling out the very first one you did. It's a poorly drawn sketch of you and Jason together that you made specifically for him. He seems ecstatic as you hand it to him, him carefully hugging it to his chest. It appears you're not the only one who decided to make something for the other person as he shyly hands you his entire pile of drawings.

You gently take them from him as you thank him with a large smile. Flipping through them, you see that it's mostly drawings of flowers or even just yourself. "Oh wow..." You breathe out the words as you admire his art. They're not the greatest but to you they look worthy of being put in a museum. "These are amazing Jay!"

"Thank you!" He signs, his eyes crinkled under his mask showing that he's smiling.

After that he's ushered out of the room by the guards, leaving you alone to wait for the next person which will be Danny. You're unsure what the enthusiastic young male will want to do but you're looking forward to it.

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