Chapter 28

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BTW Temmy is 15 right now, if you remember the chapter where they played Truth or Dare, It's right before the first live event.


June 20th

After a day of filming 2 episodes of the show, we all were going to visit my dear friend Gordon. He's living with his mom in Texas. He wasn't living with her because his dad had kidnapped him.

"I can't wait to visit Gordy....I love this song," I yelled as Budapest by George Ezra came on.

"Me too," Cory chuckled.

"My house in Budapest my ancient, my hidden treasure chest," Taylor began to sing looking Temmy straight into the eyes. They're so adorable, like if you put a bunch of kittens, puppies and those adorable mini pigs in a box that's what they are, if that makes any since. "Golden grand piano, My beautiful Castillo."

"For yooooooooooooooou, yooooooooooooooou, I'd leave it all," this continued for the whole ride and I couldn't help to gush at those two. It didn't get annoying because they both have surprisingly awesome voices, like if I was planning on surprising someone for their birthday I would like get one or both of them to sing to them.

"You guys sing so awesome,"Sammie exclaimed.
Although Taylor is with us he still gets incredibly shy when being complimented by someone.

"He's blushing!" Luna gushed.

We all smiled as he put his head into Temmy's chest. "That's even cuter,"I teased him.

"I'm not cute."

Teasing Taylor went on for the rest of the ride until we got his house. I was almost glowing with excitement when I saw we were at the correct address. Randy just so happens to be the worst direction giver on the planet, so we turned the GPS on instead. We probably should've did that in the beginning, but we're all lazy people.

Anyway we walked up to the door and knocked on it. A long haired guy opened the door........wait that's Gordon. His hair got so long. He even looks king of better like that.

"Gordon, it's so good to see you," he hugged me.

"I really like your new hairstyle,"Brandon nodded in approval. "It fits your face."

"Why thank you," he smiled and winked at Brandon.

"No winking, I'm taken, and straight."

"Really I would have never guessed, especially with how annoying you are,"Sammie joked.

"Shut up Jacobs."

"Don't tell her to shut up," Luna jumped in.

"Hey guys stop bickering and come into my home, please,"Gordon stopped them before they started playing some more.

We all went inside and sat on his couch. It was orange like mist things in the house. "Dude I love orange," Cory gushed.

For the rest of our time here we didn't do anything drastic. We all caught up with Gordon. Played a game of Truth or Dare then we had to leave.

"Do we really have to leave?" I pouted.

"Yeah, we have to get some rest before we have to fly out to the next show," Randy explaimed. I sighed, but still said my goodbye a long with everyone else.

-------------------------------------------- You're probably going to hate me, but,this story has kind of dragged on, so I'm going to end it. But I will have 1 more chapter and then an epilogue but I might not I don't know not really sure.


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