Every day could be perfectly fucking fine if my mother wasn't always so fucking ass hurt about what I look like that she makes me put on some shit called Bio Oil. Every day is perfectly fucking fine until she makes me put that fucking SHIT all over myself, and then acts like I'M the most unreasonable person ever because I don't want to, and every time I even try to protest she says I shouldn't hurt myself. Well, FUCK YOU, MOM. I'm perfectly fine and happy the way I am, and if you're SO FUCKING DISGUSTED by the way I look you can fucking get rid of me, fucking throw me in the streets for all I give a damn! I loved myself before you had to fuck me up and grease my scars. But who even fucking cares right? I cut myself for no reason, I cry for no reason. So what does it fucking MATTER?! Everything I do is worthless and I'M apparently useless and annoying and disgusting, and it's not like I'm happy! Life. Fucking. Sucks! I might as well just end mine while I can! Sometimes I really fucking hope you end yours too. Y'know, I always used to hope and fucking pray to some damned deity, fucking god of all people, that your bitch of a husband would just die. I'd think, over and over to the man, "Fucking kill yourself." And thank SATAN he did!!! I was scared when it happened, but I have never been happier and better off than after that bastard blew his brains out! I want you all to kill yourselves, everyone related to me, everyone I just don't like. Get the hell off the face of the Earth so I can be okay for once without my mind plagued by the thoughts and the fear of everything and anything that could happen to me. If my father didn't kill himself, I never would've opened my fucking eyes and realized that suicide is and has always been and always will be the way out, but that doesn't mean I have to be the one to do it. I swear to Satan, I will pray that you all die and I won't regret anything. I will have no remorse or guilt- FUCKING NONE. I may even consider the selling of my soul. Be Satan the real god or the Christian god the real god, I know I'm not a good person anyways, so let that be as it can be. I know that one day I'm going to die, and maybe there's no after life at all and we're all going to just cease to exist, and fuck, that's terrifying. But fuck it. Fuck life. Fuck EVERYTHING. This ENTIRE WORLD is nothing but an accident and we're here for NO. PURPOSE. The sooner you accept that and cry it the fuck out, the easier it gets to die. 

VentsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon