Sporty person who I vaguely know. She sometimes talks to me and I indulge her conversation when I'm in a good mood.
Her name is one of those two-part names like Mary-Anne or something. Then her last name.
Sits by me in science.

In science class today (23/3/24), I was kinda depressed for no reason. Science is after lunch, and I sat at a table by myself at lunch because I couldn't handle anymore people-ing. Let me just give you my schedule so you can understand what I'm saying:


In Spanish, I was kinda sitting close to HS like I usually do- because I just like being really close to my friends- and she didn't have a mean tone or a joking tone either but she said I was annoying and that me sitting close to her was disgusting, and proceeded to push my chair away with her feet. It kinda hurt and my eyes teared up a little bit I pushed them down and just stayed where she pushed me. I didn't talk to her the rest of the school day except when she asked if we turned something in in science.

Then in computer class, I got my papers stamped at the beginning of class (that's our grading thing, ig) and then did literally nothing but stare at the clock on my computer because I didn't have anything else to do.

So, yeah, I sat alone at lunch and accidentally started crying. People kept asking what was wrong, but I made sure they didn't see my tears through my hair and my face buried in my backpack. It was pretty horrible. And I have no reason or excuse to cry. I barely ever cry anyways-

TH did give me a red, black, and white rubber-band bracelet at the beginning of the day, though, since stupid LC told her it was my birthday- :) I really love it, and I shall treasure it forever. Also, earlier, AP, a friend of SH's from CW, made me a pair of earrings from resin. They are G O R G E O U S! I shall treasure those forever as well. LC gave me an umbrella because this guy broke mine at lunch. SH (yes, her initials are rather unfortunate and darkly funny) got me those WarHead™ cubes. I do NOT deserve my friends-

Anygay, in science, DJC made TT give her a paper and she wrote something and gave it to me. It said, "Hey, (my name/dead name spelled very wrong)!" And then something something something [TT] really likes you and wants you to be his girlfriend something something. So I just handed in to TT, who didn't look bc he was talking to someone, and DJC asked my answer and I'm just like, "he's made it VERY obvious we're just friends".  But she might have misheard me or something bc it was fucking loud bc we were about to be dismissed. Literally, TT just calls me "friend" and I'm starting to think he might have forgotten my name-

I'm pretty sure everyone is finally starting to hate me. Oh well, 2-3 more months before the school year ends and I move. I'm not talking to HS for sure. She even SAID I was annoying. I mean, duh, but still ouch. She's been kinda dying down talking to me over the past few weeks, though, now that I think about it. So I'm kinda glad if she's leaving me she's doing so gradually. I don't know which would hurt more- piecemeal or all at once.

Im so tired. And I'm sorry for my shit grammar in these, but yeah whatever .

I have a B in math and history and barely an A in bible. I know, my mom keeps reminding me. Ugh. I fucking HATE math. And I apparently have a standardized test at the end of the year?! Fuck life.

I want to sleep foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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