Returning To Ant Island

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Manny POV:

Once everyone woke up, I glanced at Flik. His eyes were moving to each of us till he snapped his eyes to me. I noticed that he tensed up all of a sudden once we locked eyes. I walked up to the boy, "How far till we reach your colony?" I asked, deciding to play his game.

The ant relaxed a bit, "We should be there around noon." He answered. I nodded my head, "Let's go. It is best to arrive there as soon as possible so we can make our plans ahead of time. Right everyone?"

Everyone else smiled in agreement, "Sounds great. - That's Right."

I turned my head to the boy with a smile. I'm not going to push him about the female red ant he spoke to last night in front of everyone. It will cause more suspicion, and possibly scare the boy. Once there's a chance to speak alone, Then I'll ask.

Flik POV:

I saw Manny looking at me with a strange look, which caused me to tense up. The praying mantis approached me and asked how far we were from the colony, I knew right away that he was suspicious of me, but didn't ask about it.

But I know he will soon.

We all crawled out of the bush and prepared to leave. I glanced to my right to see red dive under a leaf, out of sight. I looked away, hoping no one saw me looking in that direction.

But, clearly, I've been caught. Manny was staring at me, his expression unreadable. I stared back at him as Rosie climbed on Dim behind me. The black widow tilts her head at Manny, "Are you okay, Manny?" She questions.

"I was just waiting for everyone to hop on Dim." He replied as Tuck and Roll sat next to me.


He turns away and begins flying in the air, "Let's go, everyone!" He called out. We took off flying, past the fields of grass and trees. I am beyond hoping that Manny doesn't say anything about my conversation with Maya last night, and behavior from this morning.

Back on Ant Island, Mr. Soil's POV:

During the week Flik has been gone, the more worried I became. I kept thinking he was killed kidnapped, or... I shook my head, "Flik's fine. He's fine. Hopper doesn't have him. He's not hurt. He's fine..." I mumbled to myself. All week I had to convince myself that he was fine, and would come back.



I quickly turned to the entrance of my chambers, hoping that it wasn't one of the council members, but relaxed slightly to see Cotton standing there. The young male slowly approaches, "Are you alright, Mr. Soil?" I lightly smiled. The day after Flik left, Cotton had shown concern over me and Princess Dot. He told me he overheard the conversation but swore not to tell anyone.

I am grateful for that. I whisper quietly, "I'm fine, Cotton. Just don't worry about me." Cotton shakes his head, "I promised Flik that you wouldn't worry about him too much. Even though you love him as your own son--"

I interrupted him, anger slightly rising in my chest, "Excuse me?" Cotton raised his hand, continuing, "-I miss him too." He finished. I blinked at him, "You miss him because he's your friend." I sighed and slightly turned away.

Cotton frowns, "Honestly, Mr. Soil when Flik and I are alone, I treat him as a brother." I gapped at him, "So, Cotton cares about Flik too."

Cotton remained standing in front of me. I nodded my head and smiled at him, "You're right, Cotton. I shouldn't worry too much. Flik can handle himself in any situation. Thank you." Cotton returns the smile, "You're welcome, Mr. Soil. I'm going to return to the line to collect food."

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