Princess Maya

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A day's flight away, south from the Grey Ant Kingdom, laid a hidden ant hill under the bushes next to an oak tree. A female ant with poisonous wings flew out of the hill and landed on the ground. As she looked around, more poison ants followed.

"Your Majesty?" An ant calls out.

The red female turns to the speaker, "I sense my cousin. He is still alive. We must make preparations for war." She spoke gravely. Those who survived seventeen years ago from Hopper's wrath in the North escaped to the Southern Colonies, telling their allies of the attack and what had happened to their King and Queen. But for their Prince, no one knows what has happened to him.

"Princess Maya? You said that you could sense your cousin. Where is he?" A Northern ant asks with a tinge of hope in his voice. The Princess looked at the male ant standing near her, "Leon is a day's flight from here. I can feel it," She says quietly.

The Poison ants from both colonies mutter to each other, "He's alive! Our future King is alive!" Many voices echo around the hill. "We." The Princess says with a smile. Her brother, King Reef, steps forward, "Should we go after him?"

Princess Maya shakes her head, "No. Something is going to happen, and Leon is going to need our help. The King nodded his head, "I leave you to take charge, sister. If you need to take some soldiers with you, do so."

Princess Maya smiles at her brother, then at the Northern Colonies, and her own, "Prepare yourselves. A battle is coming." All of the red ants hurried away, with the Princess watching them enter the hill.

Princess Maya follows them and goes straight into the infirmary. She goes to the shelf where a bottle full of poisonous darts sits. The Princess remembers her studies between the Northern and Southern colonies. The Northerns are inventors, and inventions could be weapons they use to fight for their lives. The Southern are similar but aren't inventors.

The South Ants are healers. The Southern ants use their poison to heal others by pulling the darts off their wings. The healing process takes a minute or two, depending on how injured the insect is during battle.

Even though the darts heal, they're also dangerous. If threatened, the poisonous ant shoots the dart at the threatening insect. Suffering painfully, foaming mouth, muscle contract, feeling like they are being pulled apart from the inside. Sickening, but that is how poison ants fight. Both colonies have that power, and many insects try to avoid the poisonous ant colonies because they fear them.

The Princess puts the poisonous bottle down and sighs. After seventeen years, she is still confused. How did Hopper and his gang manage to kill most of the Northern ants and still live? Princess Maya shakes her head. The questions were giving her a headache. Finally, the ant turns her thoughts to Leon. Since only the Southern ants can sense their relatives, Princess Maya can eventually sense Leon. After learning that they can feel whoever they want in their bloodline, the Princess believes it to be a gift and curse.

Being only five years older than Leon, Princess Maya can only hope that he remains safe from Hopper's greedy hands. But, if Leon is hurt, Princess Maya will be ready to help. After all, he is family, and family sticks together. The Princess steps out of the infirmary with the bottle in her hand and heads to her chambers. Princess Maya closes her eyes and can sense Leon again.

She can feel him talking to someone, their arms wrapping around him in a tight hug. She feels Leon speaking, "I will be gone for a week or two. Please don't worry. I will return."


Princess Maya no longer holds onto Leon, and her eyes open wide. Leon is leaving soon to find help. "But who was he talking to? Their voice sounded familiar." Of course. That was a grey ant and not just any ant. It was Solum. Leon has been safe all this time. A smile dances across Princess Maya's lips, "I can't wait to see you, dear cousin."



The Princess jumped and turned to see a familiar female Grasshopper standing by her Chamber door, rubbing her head. The Grasshopper steps toward the red ant. The Grasshopper is actually known as the long-horn Grasshopper, a relative to the brown Grasshopper. Her skin was a leafy green, and she had blue eyes.

"Hi, Maya." She waves, "Have you considered making your chamber door taller so I don't hit my HEAD!?" Princess Maya laughs, "Sorry, Jojo. Could you do me a favor?"

Jojo tilts her head, "Sure! What do ya need me to do?"

Maya smiles, "Are you still friends with him?" Jojo rolled her eyes playfully, "Duhh, of course, I am! So why do you ask?"

"I want you two to follow Leon. I feel he will do more than stop by the colony."

Jojo frowns, "Ya sure, Maya? I haven't seen Leon in years, but what if he realizes we're following him?"

The Princess strides up to Jojo, "I'm following too. But, don't worry," She waves her hand dismissively, "Leon will understand, my dear friend. When he arrives tomorrow morning, the both of you will follow him."

Jojo sighs, rubbing her forehead, "No way in changing your mind?" Maya shakes her head with a smile; Jojo groans, "Fine, I will go get my friend, and we will follow Leon."

Princess Maya laughs and waves her friend goodbye.

Jojo turns only to bump her head again.


"Oww! Shut up Maya!"

The Princess tried and failed to stifle her laugh as Jojo stepped out of the room and took off to find her friend.


We: Yes

Solum: Soil

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