Day 11: You aren't going to find them

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Charles snooped around Erik's side of the room, thinking intently. He had checked the wardrobe, his draws and under his side of the bed. Nothing. It was as tidy as it always was. He hadn't noticed Erik leaning against the doorframe with an amused smile.

"Where has he hidden them?" He mumbled.

"You're not going to find them." Erik chuckled.

Jumping about a mile in the air, Charles whipped around and asked "find what?"

He was trying to play dumb however Erik saw through his lie straight away.

Shaking his head fondly Erik stated "you're not going to find where I hid your Christmas presents."

Cursing under his breath Charles stalked out of the room. He was stopped by Erik wrapping his hands around his waist and pulling him into a brief kiss.

"I love you, idiot." Erik murmured.

"I love you too."

"Good luck trying to find your presents."

"Fuck off."

With one final kiss to his partner's lips, Erik walked back into the kitchen to carry on cooking.

12 Days of Cherikmasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن