Chapter 12

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"You know what? Fuck this, and fuck you both" she said and got up angrily. She quickly wore her top and heels. She grabbed her bag and left angrily not forgetting to slam the door behind her.

Okay that didn't go as expected. I quietly turned on my heels to leave,
"And where the fuck are you going?" He asked behind me, I turned around to face him, but found myself taking few steps backwards at the sudden dangerous glint in his eyes.

"I-i'm going back to uhh I - I" I said nervously with no reasonable response to his question.

"What did you say?" He asked, his voice steely quiet. I swallowed tightly, my courage seeping out of me and replaced by cold fear.

I found myself backing away from him as he took predatory steps towards me. He came so close to me with my back embracing the closed door.

"You made her leave didn't you? Now you would have to take her place" he said in a dangerously low tone, his minty breath fanning my face, I looked up at him with my frightened gaze.

"W-what d-do you mean by that sir?" I stuttered breathlessly and he smirked at me.
"Exactly what you heard Ayla, you're gonna take her place to do...the deed" he said huskily and I sucked in a sharp breath, shaking my head adamantly.

His gaze dropped at my lips with his merciless cold eyes spreading  shudder over my body. I bit my lower lips hard and his eyes darken.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said, I quickly placed my hands on his hard chest and pushed him away gently.
I walked past him quickly in order to catch my breath, but he quickly grabbed my right hand and pulled me into his arms.
He grabbed my waist tightly and I gasped. He smirked meeting my shocking gaze with a satisfied one.

"S-sir what are you doing? I-i sir I" I stuttered nervously.
"What's wrong Ayla? Can't run that sharp mouth of yours now can you? You had your fun as you succeeded in making her leave right? Now you have to finish up where she started, I mean you did say that you are willing to fulfill all my needs right, so you have to..."
"N-no no no please sir that's not what I meant I'm sorry" I said while trying to push his hard chest but he didn't bulge, instead he pulled my waist even closer to him.

"Oh Ayla, always apologizing" he said with his sexy smirk.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll call her back for you I promise, please sir" I pleaded.

"But I don't want her anymore cause you're here already...and I just can't wait to fuck you Ayla" he whispered the last part in my ears, and I gaped at him with wide eyes.

"W-what? sir..." A gasp escaped my lips as he quickly flung me on his shoulder and threw me on his bed.

Okay this moment feels oddly familiar except I'm feeling a little bit excited for some strange reason.

He smirked and got on the bed. He crawled slowly towards me. With my eyes widened, I tried to crawl out through the other side of the bed, but he quickly grabbed my waist and pinned me to the bed with my back on the bed and him on top of me. His hands held me down tightly on the bed.

He leaned in very close to me with our lips almost touching and I quickly closed my eyes tightly awaiting his lips.
Few seconds later, he wasn't doing anything. I slowly opened one eye with my other eyes still shut tightly.

I peeped at him with one eye, he wore an amused look, but it didn't mask the strange but intimidating flicker I saw there. I opened both eyes and looked at him flustered.

"Is that the best you can do to stop me Ayla?" He asked in barely a whisper causing a shiver down my spine.

I parted my lips a bit to respond but no words came out. He drew back and let go of my hands.

"Get out of my room Ayla" he commanded in a low tone and rolled over to the bed.

His expression returned to a neutral one and he grabbed his phone. How could he just act so normal, like he didn't just have me underneath him few seconds ago.

It's really not fair that he gets to act normal while I'm still sitting here in shock.

"Well, what are you waiting for Ayla, off you go, you can clean up my room tomorrow" he said with his eyes still on his phone and I got up from the bed immediately. I was about turning the door knob when he asked,

"Aren't you forgetting anything?" I turned around confused,
"What am I forgetting sir?" I asked flustered and he looked over at the cleaning supplies that I left behind.
"Oh right" I carried the supplies and left abruptly.

I got into my room and shut the door, my heart was still beating erratically. I poured myself a glass of water and gulped it down.

I sat on my bed holding a pillow to my chest. I burrowed myself under the comforter with a sigh. I was so busy thinking about what just happened over and over again.

I clenched my knees together at the thought of him. His dark grey eyes that held sinful desires, his tall and muscular body that towered over me, his strong sexy arms that grabbed my waist tightly and his kissable plump red lips. I sucked on my lower lips at the thought of his.

Wait what am I doing? I shouldn't be thinking this way about my boss who is clearly not interested in me. And why the hell am I thinking of that arrogant jerk and the stunts he pulled on me today.
Well it's his fault for pulling that crazy stunt on me, oh my god he is so annoying.
He didn't even kiss me, fuck, I looked so naive back there, he made a fool out of me, arrogant jerk.
A knock came at my door and I jerked back to reality. I sighed now who could that be.

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