Chapter 7

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As I stepped into his room, he was in nothing but a grey sweatpants. His hands were tucked away into the pockets of his sweatpants, looking as calm and cool as ever. He stood in front of the large window gazing outside the beautiful view. His tanned muscular body looking so attractive and delicious. I bit my lower lips as I stared at his bare body so intensely.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" He snapped with his eyes still outside the beautiful view bringing me back to reality.

"G-good morning sir, you sent for me"

"I presume you've met Patricia?"

"Yes sir"

"She is the senior staff, she would be the one to assign you your duties around here. I want every nook and crook of this house always sparkling. Cleaning up a mansion is no walk in the park Ayla, so I expect you to be very focused on your job, and I don't want a repeat of what happened the last time" he stated vehemently, okay I think I'm lost. What happened the last time, this is my first day at work.

"I'm sorry sir I -i do not understand" he turned around swiftly and stared at me, I quickly looked down avoiding his gaze.
"You do not know what happened the last time?" He asked and I shaked my head clearly dumbfounded.

"For some reason, you stood in front of the door to my room, listening to the moans of the woman I was fucking last night hmm?" I gaped at him, oh so that was what he was talking about.
As he walked closer to me, I couldn't help but stare at his incredibly tempting abs. Oh how I'd love to run my fingers on his body.

"So tell me Ayla, how did that make you feel?" He said lowly and I looked at him with a shocked expression.

"I-i d-do not know what you're talking about s-sir" I stuttered and he smirked.
He kept walking closer to me but I couldn't move my feet, I felt paralysed. He was finally so close to me that I could perceive his minty breath.

"So you want to pretend now hmm? How exactly did you feel Ayla when you heard me thrusting deep into her" he whispered into my ears.

My knees grew weak, and I couldn't say a word but stare at his sexy body too frightened to look up at the intensity of his eyes.

"What did I say about looking at me while I'm talking to you Ayla?" He said huskily, Oh my world can he stop saying my name that way before I cream my panties. No pull your self together Ayla, I must get out of this tempting situation.

"P-patricia" I managed to say. I tried to changed the topic before my knees would turn to jelly.

"What happened to Patricia?"

"S-she I-is waiting for me sir" Narrowing my eyes at him, he smirked and pulled back phew, I swallowed tightly, I could swore my face was flushed already.

"What would you like for breakfast sir?"
"Don't worry about that, Patricia would handle it, just get back to work" he said and sat down on his bed while I nodded and left.

I walked back to the kitchen while thinking of what just happened in Mr Dante's room.

How could he ask me how I felt while listening as he fucked that woman, was he expecting me to say that I was horny and a bit jealous, I scoffed and walked into the kitchen.

The strong smell of pancakes filled the air. I love the way the pancakes filled the kitchen with delicious aroma. Patricia stood over the stove making the pancakes when my stomach rumbled with hunger and she looked over at me and smiled, well I guess she heard that too, her smile was infections so I had to smile as well.

"You're just in time for breakfast Ayla, please help me set the table" I nodded and set the table. Few minutes later she served the breakfast.

"You can go ahead and dig in Ayla"

"What about Mr Dante, is he not having breakfast?"

"Oh he would be having breakfast in his room today, besides he doesn't eat at the kitchen dining table it's just for staffs, he normally have his meal at the main dining room not here."

"Oh I see" I had my lunch at main dining room yesterday, I wonder why no one said anything to me.

I shrugged and poured syrup on the pancakes before eating. I moaned at the sweet taste of the pancakes, it was so delicious. The hunger abated after I finished my breakfast.

I quickly cleared the table and washed the dishes. I felt so full after the hearty breakfast. I met Patricia so she could assigned me some places to clean.
"Oh Ayla you should rest a bit before working"
"No it's fine cause I might doze off if rest. And I don't want to give Mr Dante any reason to scold me" I said and she chuckled.
"Okay then, well you can handle mopping the long passage, and cleaning up four rooms including Mr Dante's" I gave her a surprised look,
"Wait why do I have to clean his room?" Okay I know that is such a stupid question.

"Well you're his personal maid, it's only right that you clean it up I mean that's why you are here right?" I nodded frantically.

"Good. You can get the cleaning supplies at the utility room" she said and left.
I decided to start by cleaning other places first and clean his whenever he wasn't around.

I began by mopping the very long passage, the passage didn't seem to end. I was half way done and my waist was already aching. At this rate I might not be able to stand up straight. I carried out my duties conscientiously when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to find a girl around my age, based on her professional attire, she seemed to be one of the staffs. She had a blonde with brown eyes and she was really slender.

"Hi, you are Ayla right" she said with a soft smile.

"Yes I am"

"I'm Mirabel" she said and stretched out her hand for a hand shake and I shaked her hands.

"Nice to meet you Mirabel" I said with a smile.
"Same here, well actually I came to inform you that someone is asking for you at the door"
"Oh really and who is that?" I asked curiously,
"Oh shoot, I forgot to ask for her name" Mirabel said sadly.
"Uhh it's fine, I'll just go and check" I hurried to the door wondering who could be looking for me cause no one knew my whereabouts.

I opened the door, to find my stepmom standing in front of the door with an angry expression on her face.

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