Miracle twin

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There is a pin drop silent in conference hall. Everyone's mind blown away.

Jiang siblings so that's why Zixuan said he looks like goddess.

Nei brothers they Are savage.

Lan Xichen wangji is married?
Have two sons
a-ying,  wait wei ying, wei wuxian.
Lan elder sit rooted but didn’t say anything as Master lan didn’t say anything.
Others that children is clearly four to five year old, Hanguang Jun have child out of wedlock???
As for said children. They are mini version of wei wuxian and lan wangji with character shift.

They perfectly bow and great in unison


Fan uncle!

Bulky uncle! Nei mingjue laughed and said
Nei mingjue : a-yuan, a-yi why are you here?

Mini wei wuxian aka a-yi : we want to protect aunt qing, and fold his hand on his chest with a huff.

Nei Huasang : why so?

Mini lan wangji aka a-yuan : Xandu, want to eat aunt qing. Everyone is speechless. Is this child just accused jin guanshah?  Is nei sect also related to them?

A-yi : yes, we have only one aunt qing, we have to protect aunt qing.

Everyone in the hall room like,
Like are you even real?
Are you kidding you kid?

A jin discipline go to grab them but instantly he got flown away by a-yi and a-yuans spritual sword is now drowning blood on his neak if he move he will die.

Lan wangji : a-yuan, a-yi come back here.
How come this children is so powerful!!!  That discipline is a strong cultivatior now marcy of two four year child?
How ridiculous...

A-yi : a-die!!!
Is that child called Ice wall his father?

Lan qiren : yes come back i will reward you... Lan Xichen cannot believe his ear, his uncle forget this tone almost fifteen years ago.

Is grandmaster lan lost his mind.

A-yuan : grandpa will you toke us night hunt? Sounds hopeful.

Lan qiren : oh heaven your a-die will skin me alive and your mother will wipe out lan sect.
Who is second madam lan? Now lan Xichen is sure as hell it’s wei wuxian and definitely threat uncle for Wangji's safety.
But this children can not be adopted.
Did he some how create them? This children have strong Golden core.

A-yi : then you can live with us permanently, cultivate more you can even see nai nai.
Lan Xichens mind is in spin, nai nai? Baoshan Sareen?  Or Elder lan yi??? 

A-yuan : grandpa i want more guqin string kill bad people a-die said no.
This children talking about killing such a young age, they definitely demon sperm.

Lan qiren : come here, i Commissioned best sweet and cake from caiyi town i will take you there don’t say your mom, if you say forget about sweet.

Is master lan bribing a child? Isn't it aginst the lan rule?

The children now obediently sitting on lan qirens lap.

Lan zhan : uncle don’t spoiled them, wei ying will torture me if their teeth become dark.

Is stone cold jade second young master lan worried about his childs teeth.

Lan qiren : you..... Hopeless
Nevermind your a-die.

This lan family causing such a rukes and act whole cultivation world doesn’t exist.
Jin guanshah didn’t take this insult any more he slam his wine too hard.

Jin guanshah : master lan, your so called grandkids almost killed my elite discipline i demand punishment.
Everyone is shock how can he demand a toddler to be punished.
Nei brothers look at lan wangji nervously.
But lan wangji is openly smiled as if he hear a fine joke. To him it’s really joke.
Lan Xichen and lan qiren look at lan wangji, lan qiren understand he don’t need to interfere kids can handel,

on the other hand when lan Xichen hear this he is shocked and now horrified to see wangji smiled.  He start to shake on his sitting mat.

A-yi : you pig man! He should not strike if he cannot afford.

People start to cough to hide their laugh. Zixuan and jiang siblings who are also enjoying the drama, thought this kid have same lose mouth as wei wuxian.

a-yuan : yes, he is strong cultivator, but we are stonger, his cultivation bast is also not solid, he is bound to die in night hunt.

What? Is this boy cursing?

As for you pig man you are a average cultivator the same level as our cousin xiao zhan.

Xiao xingchen burst out laughter. And said.
Well said boyes i will save you from your mom if you made prank next time, then laugh more.
Now who is this said mother even master lan is afraid.

Jin guanshah great his teeth. To see his father angry is not good for jin guangyao so he take over this.

Meng yao : estimated cultivator, please clam down it is really out of the blue and we can see that sect leader lan even don’t know about this event.

Grandmaster lan please if you don’t mind can introduce the children?
Everyone specially lan Xichen held his breath, lan qiren look at lan wangji who give a nod.

A-yuan : hello everyone, i am lan a-yuan, courtesy Sezui. Fast born of Hanguang Jun and yilling patriarch.
The hell broke lose, first born?  Biological son of yilling patriarch?

A-yi : hello everyone, i am lan yi, courtesy Jingyi. Second born of Hanguang Jun and yilling patriarch.
Hall become pin drop silent again.
As envious su she is start to insult.

Su she: How admirable!!!  Our Hanguang Jun have two son out of wedlock even more with evil yilling patriarch.

Lan zhan : we are married from we are fifteen.

Lan Xichen stare at his brother like he grow two head. And none believe either.

Jin guanshah : do you have a proof?

Lan zhan : yes, but you don’t need to know.

Jin guanshah : how dare you?
You are just a sect heir i am Xandu. You have to take my permission marry yilling patriarch!!!

The temperature drop frozen even liquor on table as lan zhan let his mask go and said in a cold tone.

Immortal don’t need a mortals permission.

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