Call Me Baby Chinese

8 0 0

March 2015

"I'm totally stoked for this comeback. I feel like Kai hour is coming back!" Kai stretched his legs in anticipation for the dance.

"I agree. After all the chaos that followed last comeback it feels good to be back on track!" Baekhyun adds trying to be optimistic.

"It still feels lonely without Luhan. He was a really nice dude. Poor Sehun is still going through it." Chanyeol said as Sehun was sitting on a corner by himself.

"Poor fellow." Xiumin said sadly.

"You say that Sehun-ah felt hurt, Hsingche was utterly devastated that day. I worry about him still. He's looking way better now, but I still wonder how much he's holding that guilt in." Jongdae expressed regret.

"Loss isn't a simple feeling to erase. To feel such emptiness means how much close they really were. It's going to take time hyungs. Let's give him the space for him to grieve. All we can do is be with him." Suho advised.

"What a crazy ordeal that was." Kyungsoo said remembering that day.

They saw EXO's Chinese line finally arriving. Lay had a very nervous expression while the Chou brothers laughed. Tao was right behind. He seemed a little winded but otherwise alright.

"Mianhe, it took a little bit longer to bring Tao here. He was still tired from yesterday's practice." Lay explained.

"What did you do?" Baekhyun asked.

"We may or maynot gave him loads of caffeine." Eric said nervously.

"Mwo?" Kyungsoo blinked.

"We gave an espresso that was hella strong. Only took a sip of that and my mind went buggin." Alex yawned.

"THANKS I APPRECIATE THE ENERGY GUYS!! COME ON I'M READY TO RUMBLE! PALI PALI!!" Tao ran pass them doing a few flips before slipping on his back.

"TAO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Lay shouted.

"XIONGDI! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? AIYA YOU JUST BARELY RECOVERD LAST WEEK!!" Eric freaked out also cursing in Mandarin.

"Bro is a lost cause. Let's help him." Alex walked over pulling Tao up.

"Sorry. Must've lost a step." Tao laughed as if it was no big deal.

"Next time I'm never giving you coffee anymore. You need to sleep man. You just recovered. Do any more and you'll really get hurt. Old man wants us ready to tour soon." Alex scolded him.

"Aw Yutian you really care about me!!" Tao teased.

"Shut up!" Alex smacked him on the back as the crew returned to their formation. For the Chinese version, the former EXO-M would lead the song. Eric, Tao, Lay, and Alex had significant more lines. Instead of Kai leading the song, it was Tao who was dressed in a black tank top and his hair was bleached blonde.

Like with Tao, Alex was given the blonde treatment. His curly was now afrolike. He wore a cool greaser jacket, blue polo, and khaki shorts.

Eric's style was also a greaser jacket. He even wore his hair like one as well. Alex called him Elvis due to it. He further added that look with denim jeans and converses to complete that retro look.

Call me baby
[Tao] Zhěng tiáo jiē xuān nào le qǐ lái
Call me baby
[Tao] Měi yī gè rén mò shēng de cún zài
Call me baby
[Tao] Zài yī qǐ de měi gè shùn jiān
Like Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom
[Sehun] What up?
[Eric] Hey girl, yǒng héng bān de chā nà
([Xiumin] Rú mìng yùn de ān pái)
[Eric] Shùn jiān jiù bǎ wǒ chuān tòu qù
([Suho] Léi diàn yī yàng sù dù fēi kuài)
[Eric] Shì nǐ hū huàn wǒ de míng zì
Yuǎn yuǎn xiàng wǒ zǒu guò lái
[Chen] Jīng yà, nǐ suǒ sàn fā de qiáng guāng
Dāng wǒ yù jiàn nǐ shí hòu oh my
Nǐ ān jìng zuò zài zhè lǐ
Kāi shǐ tīng wǒ jiǎng de měi jù huà
[D.O] Oh I don't care rào yuǎn de lù
Cái dào zhè lǐ lái
Jiù zhè yàng zài nǐ shēn biān
Yuàn zuò nǐ wéi yī nà gè nán rén
[Lay] Nǐ qiāo qiāo
[Alex] Qián rù wǒ zuǐ chún
[Lay] Huàn xǐng le wǒ de shēn shuì líng hún
The time's wasting girl
[Alex] So don't wait [Lay] Don't wait too long
[Kai] Huá lì de bú shí de má má
Xū yào nǐ shuāng yǎn zhēng dà dà
Call me baby, Call me baby
Call me baby, Call me baby
([Sehun] You know my name girl)
[Xiumin] Wǒ de ài měi tiān zhǎng mǎ mǎ
Zuǒ xīn fáng wéi nǐ chǎng dà dà
([Tao] You know I'm here girl)
Call me baby, Call me baby
Call me baby, Call me baby
[Suho] Jiào jǐ cì dōu xing Call me, girl
Shì nǐ ràng wǒ chéng wéi wǒ zì jǐ
Zài wǒ shì jiè zhī yǒu
You're the one, You're the one
Girl you're the one I want
[Suho] Huá lì de bú shí de má má
Xū yào nǐ shuāng yǎn zhēng dà dà
([Sehun] You know my name girl)
Call me baby, Call me baby
Call me baby, Call me baby
[Chanyeol] Jiào jǐ cì dōu xing Call me, girl
[Lay] Baby girl, wú shù de tān xīn zhī zhōng
Nǐ bú lǐ tā men de liú yán
Réng rán duì yú wǒ chōng mǎn xìn rèn
[Chen] Zòng rán rén men biàn xīn màn màn lí kāi wǒ
[Suho] Nǐ shì wǒ wéi yī Lady
[Chen] Jǐn jǐn dì wò zhù wǒ shǒu jiù zú gòu
[Lay] Huá lì de bú shí de má má
Xū yào nǐ shuāng yǎn zhēng dà dà
Call me baby, Call me baby
Call me baby, Call me baby
([Tao] You know my name girl)
[Alex] Wǒ de ài měi tiān zhǎng mǎ mǎ
Zuǒ xīn fáng wéi nǐ chǎng dà dà
([Kai] You know I'm here girl)
Call me baby, Call me baby
Call me baby, Call me baby
[Eric] Shēn xiàn hēi àn mí gōng lǐ miàn de
Oh wǒ ([Lay] Zài wú jì hēi àn lǐ)
[Chen] Er biān chuán lái [Chen/Eric] Nǐ huàn xǐng wǒ de shēng yīn
[D.O] Wǒ jiù shì yīn nǐ ér chòng shēng Yeah
[Alex] E-X-O [Tao] Listen!
Say my name (Louder)
[Tao] Cóng zhè hún luàn de kōng jiān lǐ miàn
Jiù chū wǒ méi yǒu fàng qì wǒ
Chéng wéi zhè zhào liàng zhe wǒ de guāng xiàn
([Alex] What up)
[Tao] Yōng zhe nǐ zài yě bú huì biàn
Yōng zhe nǐ zài cì miàn duì nà xiē
Lí kāi wǒ de měi zhāng liǎn
[Alex] Uh never don't mind about a thing
[Tao] Bǎ nǐ tián mǎn wǒ nèi xīn wéi nǐ liú xià de kōng jiān
Zài zhè wēi xiǎn hún luàn shì jiè lǐ ([Baekhyun] Whoo~ Babe)
Shǎn liàng wú bǐ wéi yī de guāng cǎi , jiù shì nǐ
Girl you're the one I want ([D.O] You're the one I want)
[Chanyeol] Huá lì de bú shí de má má
Xū yào nǐ shuāng yǎn zhēng dà dà
Call me baby, Call me baby
Call me baby, Call me baby
([Tao] You know my name girl)
([Chen] I'll be your baby yeah~ [Eric] Hoo~)
Shì nǐ ràng wǒ chéng wéi wǒ zì jǐ
([Kai] You know I'm here girl)
Zài wǒ shì jiè zhī yǒu
You're the one, You're the one
Girl you're the one I want
[Xiumin] Huá lì de bú shí de má má
Xū yào nǐ shuāng yǎn zhēng dà dà
Call me baby, Call me baby
Call me baby, Call me baby
[Lay] Jiào jǐ cì dōu xing Call me, girl
Music end

Eric Chou: EXO's Ballad Prince (On Hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum