𝟶𝟺𝟻 | 𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎

Beginne am Anfang

Neptune pressed the button to enter the Palace, the gate opening as soon as the one behind the speaker recognized it was the king. 

He looked towards us, pulling out a coral. "Oh yeah, take this." He put it down on Luffy's and Nami's hands.

"What's this?"

"Look." I walked over to him and pressed down on the coral he had, a large bubble coming out of the bottom and forming around all of us. Nami pressed down on hers too, making it merge with the one Luffy created and making one big bubble. 

"Alright, let's go." Neptune said, all of us going inside of the bubble the Ryugu Palace was in. The current inside the tunnel to get there was really fast, too.

Once we reached the Ryugu Palace, the whole entire area was extremely pretty. It looked way prettier seeing it in person than just watching the scene virtually.

"It's so pretty!" I ran around inside the bubble on Megalo, examining all the types of fish in the water outside.

"Right!" Nami agreed, moving over next to me to get a better view.

The gate to the palace quickly opened, allowing all of us inside. We all got off of the shark, running through the corridor still inside of the bubble. "This palace looks fun!"

"It's my palace! Stay as long as you like!" Neptune told us.

"Boy, you did it again?!" The minister shouted, making the king cower in shame. "You must learn your place! You went out of the palace on your own again! It's inexcusable to go down to the lower world without guards!"

"It won't happen again.." Neptune cried. 

"It'll be too late once something happens! Don't you know the situation of this country right now?!"

Luffy turned around, covering his growling stomach with his hand. "Let's have the banquet already!"

"By the way, I brought the people who saved Megalo when he got attacked by the Kraken. Now welcome our guests!" The king turned towards us, then back to his familiars. "Where is the Princess? What is Princess Shirahoshi doing?"

"Well, King, it happens again a few minutes ago.." The guard told him about another attack on the door that locked her inside her room.

"What?! You have to guard the Princess to keep her calm! Idiots!" Neptune insulted.

"If you go missing when something like that is happening, can't you see that it'd make everyone in the palace worry, King?!" The minister yelled at him again. 

"It really won't happen again.."

"And I'm very sorry that you just brought the guests here personally but there's a serious matter."

"Yes, Prince Fukaboshi just called in and.. I really can't take it!"

This caught Neptune's attention. "Fukaboshi did? What was it about?"

"As a matter of fact.."

"Aren't they gonna entertain us yet?" Brook spoke in boredom, the ministers words becoming blurred.

"Oh? Where did Luffy go?" Nami turned around and noticed he wasn't there.

I remember this.. however, I haven't watched the Fish-Man Island arc in a while so my memories of what will happen are pretty faint. I'm sure I'll remember as time goes on, though.

We all ended up waiting for a long time, making me sit down because of how mentally exhausted and hungry I was. However, my little rest was cut short, because a bunch of guards came up to the bubble and surrounded us with tridents.

"Oh, come on.. I have to fight on an empty stomach.." I sat up, cracking my knuckles.

"That's what you're worried about right now?" Usopp looked at me, and then back at all of the guards.

"I'm sorry that you came all the way here but we've just received a call!" The minister of the left flew around the bubble. "You people are suspects in 2 ongoing investigations."

"S--Suspects?! What do you mean?!" Usopp asked him.

"First, for multiple counts of mermaid kidnapping!" He pointed his wooden staff right at us. "Second, you people are suspected of being a potential risk to Fish-Man Island due to Madam Sharley's prevision!"

Usopp couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Huh? Prevision? You don't know if that'll happen for real!"

"Therefore, we're here to take you people into custody! Catch them at any cost! We have to protect Fish-Man Island! Go!"

A bunch of fish-man guards came charging at us through the bubble with their weapons, hoping to capture us. I ran forward and curled my hand into a fist, bringing it right towards the face of one of the approaching guards. A heavy wind was brought upon the fish-man without my punch even making contact with his face yet, sending him flying into the distance.

All of the guards around us hesitated to approach now, not wanting to break any ribs in the process.

"Come on." I grabbed the whip on my side, enforcing it with Haki to strengthen it. 

"You can't have all the fun, [Name]!" Nami pulled out her weather tempo with a smile, her, Brook and Usopp running up beside me in offensive stances.

All of us continued knocking out any guards attempting at injuring us with ease, all of them being like ants stepped on by a shoe.

King Neptune decided to bring his royal trident down on our bubble, until Zoro came out of nowhere and countered it with his sword. 


"I thought you'd been captured!"

Zoro just had an unhinged smile on his face.

"I heard the sound of this festival so I let myself out!"


A/N: Sorry this chapter was short! <333

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