She had this necklace since her human years as a tear slide downs her face having finally found it again before jack wipes the tear gently away as he holds her face in his hand."are you okay"he asked knowing this had to me bringing back good and bad memories before nodding her head as she hugs him before they look at the rest of her things.

rose was shown on the other side of her things that have been underwater for 84 years a mirror is shown "these are some things recovered from your state room"Brock explains as she gently picks it up with a soft smile "this was mine."she gasp softly as Lizzy kneels down beside her "how extraordinary it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it"she says as she gently turns it over looking into the glass mirror as she sighs"hmm the reflection has changed a bit"she says as she turns the mirror up side down again as she sets it down gently.

She then turns to a dragon fly hair clip as her heart aches seeing it the last time she either saw or wear it was the night Titanic sinks as she, lucana and Jack surviving the sinking of Titanic as she holds it gently in her hand.

Brock then walks over to lucana "lucana are you ready to go back to titanic"he asked as she shared a look with Jack's and Rose.

Soon everyone where shown in front of a monitor with a visual grah video of what happened as lewis demonstrates"okay so here we go she hits the ice berg on the starboard side right? So she kind of bumps along punching holes like Morse code dit-dit-dit along side below the water line"he says as titanic was shown hitting a big piece of the the iceberg that was hidden underneath the water as it shows deep scratching along the side of the ship.

Lucana stares at the monitor as flashes of Titanic hitting the Titanic as she glares coldy at the man who mocks about something that was horrifying.

Soon it shows how the water filled the cargo hold and the top decks"then the forward compartments start to flood now as the water level rises it spills over the watertight bulkheads which unfortunately don't go up any higher then e deck."lewis explains as the visual graph shows the for compartments filling up with water.

"So now as the bow goes down the stern rises up sloy at first then faster and faster"the visual grah shows the bow of the ship deep underwater as the stern rises out as one of the funnels falls off."until finally she has her whole ass sticking up in the air. And that's a big ass we're talking 20,30,000 tons okay."he says as the visual shows the stern up in the air as it comes to a stop as the lights on the ship flicker off."and the hulls not designed to deal with that pressure. So what happened?"he explains.

The ship was shown splitting in half right down to the keel"she splits right down to the keel"he says mimicking the sound as the stern part of the ship falls back forward as the last funnel falls"and the stern falls back level. Then the bow sinks it pulls it vertical"he explains as the visual graph shows the sinking bow lifting up the stern vertical before detaching as it sinks further below "and finally detaches. Now the stern section just bobs there like a Cork for a couple of minutes floods and finally goes under about 2:30 am"he explains as the ship was shown sitting straight up before going under "2 hours and 40 minutes after the collision."he explains.

Now the visual shows of the bow part of the ship sinking as parts of it plane away"the bow section planes away landing about a half a mile away going 20, 30 knots when it hits the ocean floor"he explains as he mimicks the sound as the ship is shown hitting the oven floor bow first as it fully lands as the broken side crumbles. Lewis turns to face her"pretty cool huh?"he says with a cocky smirk.

"Asshole!"many yell at the ignorant fat human.

Lucana looks up at him remembering the actual experience "thank you far that fine fine show of what you would think was pretty cool Mr bodine of course the experience of it was some what different"she says as she holds her self back from draining him then and there.

"Will you share with us?"Brock asked.

Lucana turns back to the monitors that show different parts of the ruins of Titanic as she slowly walks up to them looking at them with deep emotions while different areas where shown of the ship she then looks up at one of the monitors of the entrance doors with elangent designd as she stares at it in its ruins state before it flashes back to its once beautiful state as a man in a suit opens it with waltz music playing softly in the background before it fades back into its ruins state.

Tears leak out of her eyes as she sighs before "oh God"she sobs into her hand as many memories flood back through her mind God and bad. Lizzy walks over to her knowing she could lash out at any moment worried"I'm them to rest "she says but she wasn't having it"no"lucana tells her with a cracking in her voice not moving.

"Come on lucana"Lizzy says but rose puts her foot down"no!"she says firmly as she slowly turns back to the others as she stands in front of them.

"Give me the tape recorder"Brock asked Bobby softly before he is handed the tape recorder as he clicks something on it while sitting down in a chair in front of rose."tell us rose"he says as he sits the tape recorder down.

Jack glares"I don't think so"he says snatching of the recorder breaking it to pieces as Brock quickly backs up away with fear as jack and lucana share a look with Lizzy and rose soon they will know the truth about that night and vampires.

Holding back tears as she takes a deep breath "it's been 84 years"she goes to say but Brock cuts her off"it's okay just try to remember anything anything at all."he reassures her as she looks up at him annoyed.

"Do you want to hear this or not Mr Lovett "rose asked knowing lucana was seconds away from killing him as Brock gives her a sorry smile as he sits back.

"It's been 84 years since the day I stepped foot on Titanic...and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the ship of dreams and it was"she starts off lost in her thoughts as a zoom in of the bow part of the ship is shown in its ruins before it fades back to its beautiful state as it sits in a docking bay under the clear blue sky.

"Wow it looks amazing"Rebekah says in awe at the craftsmen build of the ship as many were to shock at the sheer beauty of a ship that holds there sisters story as lucana and Jack smile softly at each other before settling in each others arms.

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