2 | The Ferret's Lies

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"Hey, Sung-yah, I need to talk to you after class. You know where my classroom is, right?" Hyunjin asked the silver haired boy.

"Yeah." Jisung replied as he adjusted his glasses.


"...and that's the end of our lesson." The teacher spoke as the bell had rang.

Jisung collected his things and placed them in his bag before standing up to leave, only to be called by the teacher.

"Jisung, mind coming with me to the faculty for a little bit?" The teacher asked the boy with a gentle tone.

"Yes, sir." Jisung obeyed. Being the school's little white lily, of course he would never turn down any request.

Jisung accompanied the teacher to the faculty.

The teacher sat on his chair, letting out a deep sigh.

"What's wrong, sir?" Jisung asked.

"Well, it's..honestly, it's about you, Jisung."

Jisung flinched. He paused as he stood by the teacher's side.

"No, don't worry, it's - you didn't do anything wrong, and that's the problem."

"Huh? Why is that so, sir?"

"You.. look- have you..uh,. encountered any bad situation in this school? Like bullying and stuff."

"N-no, sir.."


He was in fact, bullied by Hyunjin's friends before they dated.

Strangely, it all stopped when Hyunjin started dating the boy.

Jisung had simply assumed that Hyunjin had convinced the others not to.

"Is that so.. Uh, if you encounter any problems..please, rely on your teachers, yeah? we teachers don't just teach academics to students. You can confide yourself to us." The teacher said in a somewhat fatherly tone.

"Yes, sir. I'll tell you if anything bad happens." Jisung nodded, endeared by the teacher's words.


Jisung never tells anyone his problems, as he thinks it's a bother.

"There's nothing else for me to say. You're free to take your leave. Be careful, Jisung."

"Goodbye sir, and thank you." Jisung smiled at the teacher and left shortly after.

Suddenly, he remembered he had to meet with Hyunjin in his classroom.

He rushed to Hyunjin's classroom, afraid Hyunjin may have left the campus.

But no.

He didn't leave.

Jisung arrived at his boyfriend's classroom.

Or rather,
His ex-boyfriend's classroom.

Why ex?


Jisung opened the door to Hyunjin's classroom, only to be greeted by his own boyfriend kissing the school's beautiful girl, Sanghye.

Jisung simply stood there for a good 15 seconds.

staring at the two making out.

Jisung could feel the world crumble under his feet.


Just why?

His boyfriend had cheated on him.

All the sweet words he had whispered to Jisung felt all too real to be fake.

Or was it just that Jisung was living in his own delusion all this time?

In his delusion, where Hyunjin had truly loved him and meant every single word he said?

Were they even dating?

What right did Jisung even have to be angry at Hyunjin.

'It's my fault he cheated on me anyways.'

Jisung slowly retreated his steps and hurriedly went down the stairs. As he rushed to the hallway, he closed his eyes for a mere second and bumped hard into someone - who seemed to be smoking in the hallway.

"Ah!" Jisung shouted in pain as his butt met the floor.

He mumbled a small 'sorry' at the person he had bumped into and quickly rushed to the bathroom and cried his little heart out.

Sniffles were heard in the bathroom. Jisung cried and cried, biting his bottom lip and covering his mouth with his hood sleeve to prevent any loud noise to come out.

After all, he is just a bother.
He can't be a bother even further.

Intrigued by the muffled crying sounds, a person walked into the bathroom.

A tall ginger boy went and approached Jisung.

He threw his cigarette in the trash and sat to the floor next to the crying boy, listening to his little rants about him being greedy for something he should never dream of even having.

"*sniffle* w-who..who a-are yo-you..?" Jisung uttered in between sobs.


"Wh...why- *sniffle* why a-are you ev-even he-here-?"

"I heard someone crying."

"*sniffle* b-but.."

"Shush. You're already crying. You can't even form a proper sentence without your breath hitching. Just..just focus on crying, okay?"
Chan spoke in a soft tone as he brushed and tucked Jisung's hair to the back of his ear.

"And don't you dare apologize for something that isn't even wrong. It's normal for humans to cry whenever they're sad." Chan added.

Jisung listened well. He didn't really know anyone - let alone Chan, as Jisung wasn't the type to listen to rumors.

He simply cried. Cried out everything he had wanted to cry. He felt so safe with this person, he felt like it was all okay to let it all out.
He doesn't care who this person is.

So kind, so soft, so warm.

He felt at ease. He felt at home.


"Jisung, did you really think I - I , of all people, would fall for YOU? I guess you're still stuck in that little fantasy of yours." Hyunjin spoke as he turned his back to Jisung, then slowly walking away.
"You'll never find someone with that personality." He snickered.

Jisung didn't cry.

No, he did cry.

Just not on that day - that morning, the morning after Hyunjin had cheated.

Jisung's tears had ran out already.

Safe to say that along with those tears, his feelings also disappeared.

But it didn't change the fact that he was still hurt.

How come he was so easy to trick?

Was it fun playing with a white lily's heart?

Giving hope to a love-deprived helpless innocent and naive boy, then trampling over it, crushing it to dust - was it fun?

Maybe Jisung shouldn't even think of loving again.

But with that person..could love be possible?


No Hwang shall be detected in the next chapter.

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