Ch.25~ Empty.

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"Fuck. she's loosing a lot of blood!" 

it fucking hurts. 

"Can you hear us?"



my baby...


help me...


I don't want to die...

"Bring here in here!"

please don't let me die...




my baby...

"Do the spell!"

my girl...


I woke up, in my bed, at the manor. I felt empty. I don't even know what I felt. my head felt as if someone threw a rock at the side of my head. My stomach... felt so empty... fuck. 

"SIR! SHES AWAKE!" Teesy screamed, as Mattheo apperated into the middle of my room, running to my bedside. 

I barely had opened my eyes, barely had a moment to process this alone, and now he was here. I didn't want him here... it hurt to look at him. 

The tears, they started and they never stopped. Like someone had unclogged a dam, or broke a water tank. 

"Rose! Oh my Merlin..." he whispered, grabbing my hand. "I am so fucking sorry. I should've never left you in that fucking room alone. I am so fucking sorry." I seen his eyes start to water, as he quickly looked down. 

I said, nothing. 

There were no words I could ever put together to express how I was feeling. None would ever come close. 

"I need you to tell me exactly what happened, Rose." His tone grew firm, as he quickly wiped under his eye with his thumb, brining his gaze back to me. 

"Fuck... you." softly escaped my lips. 

"I cannot imagine how you're feeling right now, but I need you to tell me exactly what you remember." He dropped his head again, squeezing my hand. 

I was too weak to pull it away. 

"Your fucking.... follower did this. An orde... order... from your father... he wanted a boy." I spat, through my tears. 

"Rose... Please." his voice cracked. 

"I got lost, after I left the bathroom... a man told me you'd sent him for me... I followed him, I fucking followed him... he brought me into the garden... stunned me... and..." I was gasping for air. 

He pulled me into his arms, squeezing with all his might. I felt his chest, shuddering, his chin rested on my head, as I curled up into him. 

"Our baby..." I wept. 

"I know." he whispered back. 

"Our baby girl..."

"I killed them all, Rose. I know it doesn't.. bring her back... but it's something." 

My heart jumped. I pulled back away from him, looking into his deep brown eyes, now filled with pain, but never with regret. 

"All death eaters in attendance, I killed every single one of them." he huffed. 

"You..." I was in shock. 

"No one hurts my family... hurts you, and lives to tell the tale." 

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now