Ch.13~ Distant.

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The next few weeks, were different.

Mattheo and I had been spending a lot of time together. In the library, walks in the gardens. He showed me the stables, and told me the names of the animals.

He named every single one.

It was amazing.

How hard he was on the outside, yet deep in him, there was warmth and light.

He only showed me it, in increments. One minute he was the sweetest man I've ever encountered. Hugging and kissing me. Playing with my fingers. Smiling.

The next he was snappy, agitated, cold.

I could tell he wasn't allowing me in, keeping me at an arms distance.

Even when we fought, which was usually about something so bizarre and stupid, I'd wake in the morning to him wrapped around me.

It was becoming a routine. Sleeping together. Waking up next to each other.

Even when he had task's to complete, he'd crawl in my bed, despite the time and just hold me tight.

He wouldn't know I was awake, but I'd feel him, shaking. Just wanting to be held.

I would do just that.

Not a word spoken, just comfort. I would hold him as tight as I possibly could, trying to convey the message of him being safe, at least with me.

I could tell he was becoming dependent on me. He was becoming territorial. At gala's, I felt bad for any man who looked at me the wrong way. He would keep a tight grasps on me. It felt, strongly good, to be this wanted.

One morning, I woke, on my own. He wasn't next to me, I felt... sad?

I didn't know how much I truly enjoyed having him next to me.

I quickly got dressed and made myself down the long staircase, he sat. Alone. At the dinning table.

"Any reason I woke by myself this morning?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"Just slept in my own room." He was short.

"I can see that, why?" I spat.

"I don't owe you an explanation." His words hurt.

"Have I done something?"

"No. I'm busy. You know this."

I quickly turned and exited the room. I was hurt. I was confused. These past couple of weeks, anytime he was home he was practically attached to my hip. Now, he was cold.

He felt so far away. I was finally allowing myself to be happy, letting him in. I thought we were making way.

I thought the feeling was mutual.

As soon as I got into my room, and my tears finally stooped, Teesy popped in with a tray of breakfast.

"Master said to brings this." She said, holding the tray to me.

"Why is he so angry Teesy?" I asked, wiping my tear.

"Rosalia is sad." She looked up at me with her big eyes.

"Yes, I am." I sighed, "Do you know why he is so angry?" I repeated.

"Hims father, Teesy saw them fighting."

"He was here?" Confusion took over my face.

"Yes. Days ago. Yelling a lot." Her eyes grew bigger.

"I didn't hear them, Teesy. Are you sure?" I bent down to look at her.

"Oh yes. Master has protection on your room. So no one could harm Rosalia. So she can have peace." She nodded, placing a plate in front of me.

"Protection?" I questioned.

"Spells. I thinks." She nodded. "I am meant to tell you. Father is coming for dinner. Master said dress pretty." And just like thats she popped out of the room. 

The Arrangement  (Mattheo Riddle)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя